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8/6/2011    14:00 - 16:00
Fracture and Shrinkage Induced Cracking in Multiphase Materials III
Minisymposium organized by Guenter Hofstetter, Anthony Jefferson, Guenther Meschke and Bernhard A. Schrefler
Room: 2
Chair: Guenter Hofstetter
CoChair: Anthony Jefferson

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Overlays
Y. Theiner, M. Aschaber and G.  Hofstetter

Physical Coupling between Shrinkage Creep and Damage, Constitutive Model for Finite Element Simulations of Concrete Structures Long Term Behaviour
A. Sellier, L. Buffo-Lacarriere and P. Souyris

Monitoring of the Creep and the Relaxation Behavior of Concrete since Setting Time, Part 1: Compression
C. Boulay, M. Crespini, S. Staquet, J. Carette and B. Delsaute

Monitoring of the Creep and the Relaxation Behavior of Concrete Since Setting Time, Part 2: Tension
B. Delsaute, J. Carette, S. Staquet, C. Boulay and M. Crespini

Aggregate-induced Shrinkage Cracking: Numerical/experimental Study
A.E. Idiart, J. Bisschop and P. Lura

Mesoscopic Modelling of Creep and Damage in Concrete
J. Saliba, F. Grondin, A. Loukili and H. Boussa

The simulation of early age cracking with a coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical for concrete model
A.D. Jefferson, R. Tenchev, G. Cole, P. Lyons and J. Ou

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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