Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Computational Mathematics and Numerical Methods I
Room: CAS3.3
10:30 A Finite Difference Scheme for the Biharmonic Equation in Planar Irregular Domains
Matania Ben-Artzi, Ittai Chorev, Jean-Pierre Croisille and Dalia Fishelov

10:50 A Finite Difference Method for Helmholtz Equation for Unstructured Meshes
Daniel Thomes Fernandes and Abimael Loula

11:10 Numerical Solution of a 1-D Time-Dependent Phase Change Problem
Mohamad Muhieddine, Édouard Canot and Ramiro March

11:30 DIAMANT: An Efficient Automatic Differentiation Tool for the Solution of Non Linear Problems
Isabelle Charpentier, Arnaud Lejeune and Michel Potier-Ferry

11:50 A New Mixed Finite Element Method on Hexahedra, its Equivalent Finite Difference Method and Convergence of Multipoint Flux Approximation in 3D
Sebastien Matringe, Ruben Juanes and Hamdi Tchelepi

12:10 An Algebraic Multilevel Method for Nonsymmetric Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
Klaus Johannsen

Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Computational Mathematics and Numerical Methods II
Room: CAS3.3
14:00 An Isogeometric Stream Function Formulation for Incompressible Plane Elastic Problems
Ferdinando Auricchio, Lourenco Beirao da Veiga, Annalisa Buffa, Carlo Lovadina, Alessandro Reali and Giancarlo Sangalli

14:20 Surface Modeling with Sparsity Constraints
Stefan Schiffler, Peter Maass and Dirk A. Lorenz

14:40 On the Convergence of the p-Method in the Poisson Problem with Concentrated Load
Harri Hakula and Antti Niemi

15:00 Numerical Analysis of Energy Balances in Thermal Convection Problems
Daisuke Tagami

15:20 Improvement of Point Inversion Algorithm for NURBS Curves and Surfaces
Marta R. Hidalgo

15:40 Iterative Algorithms for Multi-Valued Inclusions and Complementarity Problems with Z Mappings
Elisabetta Allevi, Adriana Gnudi and Igor V. Konnov

Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Mathematics and Numerical Methods III
Room: CAS3.3
16:30 RMS Defuzzification Algorithms applied to FMEA
Selva Rivera and Jorge Núñez Mc Leod

16:50 Well Log Interpretation through the use of Support Vector Machines
Vicente Ciccola, Guillermo Montilla, Pablo Guillen and Geralf Pineda

17:10 High Performance Methods for Intense Laser-Matter Interactions
Emmanuel Lorin, Stéphane Chelkowski and André Bandrauk

17:30 Numerical Solution of Non-Stationary Axisymmetric Hele-Shaw Problems for Electrochemical Machining
Olga Zinnatullina and Vladimir Zhitnikov

17:50 A Method of Manufactured Solutions for PDE‘s with Stochastic Parameters
Paul G. Constantine, Patrick Knupp and Gianluca Iaccarino

18:10 On the singular limit for normal flux boundary conditions
Tomas Chacon Rebollo, Macarena Gomez Marmol and Isabel Sanchez Muñoz


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