Instructions to authors for the preparation of papers
First I. Author1 Second I.J. Author2, Third Author3, and Author Fourth-Named3
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia
2 Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Composites S tructures Limited
506 Lorimer Street, Fishermen's Bend, Victoria, 3207, Australia
3 Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre for Aerospace Design Technology, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia
SUMMARY: The purpose of this document is to provide an example of how authors must format
their papers. The summary should be a self-contained and
explicit overview of the paper with a clear statement of the principal conclusions reached. It should be
at least 100 words, but must not exceed 150 words in length. It must be single
spaced, even justified across the full width of the page and start two 12 point line
spaces down from the Author affiliation list. The entire paper must be prepared using 12 point
Times New Roman font, with the exception of the title of the paper which must be 18 point Times New Roman
and any subscript which must be 10 point Times New Roman. The paper title and all
section and sub-section headings, including the summary and keywords headings, must be bold. Third
order headings, table and figure captions, and author affiliation must be italicised and not
bold. Symbol font may be used for Greek letters.
KEYWORDS: list up to eight words or group of words in order of priority, separated by
commas, which will be used for indexing purposes - do not use general terms like composites.
There is no limit of length for all other papers. The computer file of
the paper should not exceed 1.4 Mb.
The top and side margins must be 25 mm and the bottom margin 18 mm ("A4" paper size).
Inside these margins, each page should be completely filled with text except for the
first page, where the paper title start five 12 point line spaces from the top margin. All other line spaces must be one 12 point line space, except for before section titles where two line spaces must be inserted.
Notation, Units and Equations
The extensive use of symbols, abbreviations, acronyms or other special nomenclature should
be minimised. Rather than list them at the beginning of the paper, they must be defined when first used.
SI units must be used throughout the paper, although equivalents in other consistent system may be
given in parentheses, as shown above.
All forms of equations must be typed, centered and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals as
they appear in the text of the paper. The first equation would be referred to in the text as
Eqn 1 and be presented as follows:
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures must be integrated with the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic
numerals in the order in which reference is made to them in the text of the paper. All captions
must be italicised and centrally located above a table and below a figure. The first table or
figure caption would be referred to in the text as Table 1 or Fig. 1 and be presented as follows:
Table 1: The first table in the paper
Fig. 1: The first figure in the paper
Papers will be photographically reduce to 77% of original size for printing in
book form, so all the text and details in figures should be large
enough to be legible.
1. O'Brien, T.K. and Salpekar, S.A., "Scale effects o the Transverse Tensile Strength of Graphite/Epoxy Composites",
Composite Materials : Testing and Design (Eleventh Volume), ASTM STP 1206, Camponeschi, E.T., Jr, Ed.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1993, pp. 23-52.
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