16/7/2007 09:25 - 15:25
Cold Bose and Fermi Gases
Room: Master room
Chair: Stefano Giorgini
9:25-10:15 New States of Quantum Matter
G. Baym
10:15-10:40 The Josephson Effect Through the BCS-BEC Crossover
P. Pieri, A. Spuntarelli, G.C. Strinati
11:10-12:00 Ultracold dipolar gases
M. Lewenstein
12:00-12:50 Novel phases in strongly interacting Fermi mixtures
D.S. Petrov, G.E. Astrakharchik, D.J. Papoular, C. Salomon, G.V. Shlyapnikov
12:50-13:15 Metastability of Bosonic Mixtures in Optical Lattices
T. Roscilde, J.I. Cirac
15:00-15:25 Scattering of a Sound Wave on a Vortex in Bose-einstein Condensates.
P. Capuzzi, F. Federici, M.P. Tosi