17/7/2007 09:00 - 13:15
Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
Room: Master room
Chair: Artur Polls
9:00-9:50 Strangeness Nuclear Physics
A. Ramos
9:50-10:40 Pairing and Bound State in Fermionic Systems
A. Sedrakian, J.W. Clark
11:10-11:35 Proton Correlations as a Function of Nucleon Asymmetry
W.H. Dickhoff
11:35-12:00 Fermi Hypernetted Chain Description of Doubly Closed Shell Nuclei
F. Arias de Saavedra, C. Bisconti, G. Co‘
12:00-12:50 Many-body challenges in nuclear astrophysics
G. Martínez-Pinedo
12:50-13:15 Complex Coupled-cluster Approach to an Ab-initio Description of Open Quantum Systems
M. Hjorth-Jensen, D.J. Dean, G. Hagen, T.F. Papenbrock