  Instructions for Authors
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  ADMOS 2003 Album

Number of visits: 207678

This area is for Authors only

About Abstract and Extended Abstract Submission

    Authors are invited to submit electronically, through the web site of the Conference, before March 25th, 2005:

  • One page Abstract (300 words approx, free format) describing the main features of the work.

  • Contribution for the Proceedings: An extended abstract (up to four pages, it will be printed in a book) or a full paper (more than 10 pages, it will be included in a CD) and it will be required by June 20th., 2005.

  • Full instructions for writing and submitting the contribution for the proceedings will be available by April 25th. Authors are asked to send their collaborations in .pdf format. Other formats are not accepted by the system.

    Please note that acceptance of papers for presentation is conditional to receiving the extended abstract and the payment of at least one author's congress registration fee before June 20th, 2005.
    Only one presentation per delegate is allowed.

  • Instructions for Authors

Important: Before submitting the contribution you should be registered. Please fill in the registration form (in Registration) choosing your login and password. To modify the information or add/modify the files of the abstract and extended abstract you have to log-in. Registration does not oblige contributors to pay the fees before having received the acceptance letter.


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