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Number of visits: 73508

13/5/2011    15:00 - 16:30
Ecology and Biology II
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Xavier Quintana
Application of Compositional Models for Glycan HPLC Data
M. Galligan, M.P. Campbell, R. Saldova, P.M. Rudd, T.B. Murphy

Compositional Meta-analysis of the Nutrient Profile of Potato Cultivars
A. Hernandes, S.E. Parent, J.P. Veillette, P. Parent, M. Leblanc, G. Roy, P. Sylvestre, N. Samson, W. Natale, L.E. Parent

Compositional Analysis of Correlation of Weather Parameters with Russet of ‘Golden Delicious‘ Apples
C. Barceló-Vidal, J. Bonany, J. Carbó

A Compositional Genetic Analysis of Oleic Acid Content in Pig Meat
J. Estany, R. Ros, M. Tor, J. Reixach

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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