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Number of visits: 309273

6/9/2007    17:00 - 19:00
Industrial Perspective of Numerical Forming Processes
Invited Session organized by Masayoshi Akiyama
Room: VS216
Chair: to be confirmed
Transient Analysis of Long-product Rolling using Three-dimensional Rigid-plastic FEM
Y. Wada, S. Hayashi, K. Yamada

Meso-scale Analysis of Strain Distribution in Polycrystalline Metals using Digital Image Correlation Analysis
M. Yoshida, M. Akiyama

Deformable Micro Pillar Array with Magnetic Particles and Elastic Material
F. Tsumori, N. Miyano, A. Fukui, K. Sagawa, H. Kotera

Numerical Investigation on Bending Properties of Aluminum Sheet Subjected to Embossing on Both Sides
C. Namoco, R. Kuramatsu, T. Iizuka, N. Takakura

Thickness Optimisation of Axisymmetric Tube Extruded by a New Method using Tapered Mandrel
T. Kuboki, T. Makiyama, M. Murata

Characterization of Macroscopic Yield Strength of Polycrystalline Metals by Multiscale Metal Forming Analysis
K. Terada, H. Tabata, I. Watanabe, M. Akiyama

Study on Nonlinear Deformation of High-Porosity Porous Materials using Constitutive Equation Incorporating Phase Transformation
A. Sakuma, N. Azusawa, S. Nagaki


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