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Number of visits: 317341


Tuesday, September 4th

17:00 - 19:00

Wednesday, September 5th

09:00 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures I
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
Multi-scale Methods for Failure Analysis: Circumventing Loss of Ellipticity
T. Belytschko, J-H. Song, X. Mei

The Extended Finite Element Method: State of the Art for Linear Problems and Challenges Ahead
N. Moës

On a Robust Implicit/Explicit Integration Scheme for Non-Linear Material Models
J. Oliver, A.E. Huespe, J.C. Cante

On the Simulation of Frictional Faulting by the Embedded Strong Discontinuity, Nonlinear Contact Mechanics, and the Extended FE Methods
R.I. Borja, P.F. Sanz, F. Liu

11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:30
Forming Process Simulations I WeM1
Room: VS201
Chair: to be confirmed
Simulation of Cold Forging of Bevel Gear under Various Friction Conditions
A. Saboktakin , M. Farzin

FE-Based Radiation Length Analysis of Superplastically Formed Products
C. Snippe, T. Meinders

Computational Aspects of a Bolt Head Trimming Operation
J. Petruska, J. Borkovec

Analysis of Porous Beams During H-Profiled Rolling Forming using the Finite Element Method
D.C. Chen, C.F. Chen

Numerical Modelling of Thermal Behaviour due to Geometrical Changes during AX Symmetric Extrusion Process
M.B. Adeyemi, J.S. Ajiboye

Computational Aspects of Gradient and Related Theories of Plasticity
Invited Session organized by Daya Reddy, Krishna Garikipati
Room: VS213
Chair: to be confirmed
A Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation for an Incompatibility-based Strain Gradient Plasticity Theory
K. Garikipati, J. Ostien

Generalised Plasticity: Modelling Options and Computational Aspects
P. Steinmann, C.B. Hirschberger, E. Aifantis

Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Problems in Finite Strain Gradient Plasticity
B.D. Reddy, A.T. McBride

On Short and Long Range Effects in Dislocation Driven Continuum Plasticity
M. Geers, A. Roy, R. Peerlings, Y. Kasyanyuk

Computational Contact and Interface Mechanics I
Invited Session organized by Tod Laursen
Room: VS214
Chair: to be confirmed
Generalized closest point projection for contact analyses: on existence and uniqueness for arbitrary contact surfaces
A. Konyukhov, K. Schweizerhof

A Mortar Discretization Technique for Thermomechanically Coupled Problems
E. Berend, P. Wriggers, U. Nackenhorst

Numerical Treatment of Dissipative Effects within an ALE-Framework of Rolling
U. Nackenhorst, M. Ziefle

Computational Limit and Shakedown Analysis I
Invited Session organized by Scott Sloan, Kristian Krabbenhoft
Room: VS215
Chair: Scott Sloan
Generalized Limit Analysis in Poroplasticity
R. Ardito, G. Cocchetti, G. Maier

Analysis of Spatial Variability using Random Field Numerical Limit Analyses
K. Kasama, A. Whittle, K. Zen

Numerical Implementation of the Kinematical Theorem: Application to the Determination of 3D Passive Earth Pressures of Cohesionless Soils
M. Vicente da Silva, A. Antão, N. Guerra

Shakedown Analysis using Adaptive Mesh Refinement
A.V. Lyamin, K. Krabbenhoft, S.W. Sloan

Finite Element Shakedown and Limit Reliability Analysis of Thin Shells
T.N. Tran, M. Staat, R. Kreißig

Automatic Limit Analysis of Three Dimensional Frames
K.V. Spiliopoulos, M.G. Marinou

Effect of Singular Plastic Velocity Fields on Shakedown Analysis: A Simple Analytical Example
S. Alexandrov, D.C. Pham

Computational Methods in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology I
Invited Session organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel
Room: VS216
Chair: to be confirmed
Modeling of Arterial Dissection
G.A. Holzapfel, G. Sommer, T.C. Gasser

An Anisotropic Preconditioning Model for Soft Biological Tissues
M. Itskov, A.E. Ehret

A Finite Element Model of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Mechanics
J. Sundnes, M. S Alnæs, K-A. Mardal

Calibration of a Large Strain Poro-Viscoelastic Model for Brain Tissue
K. Runesson, H. Johansson, F. Larsson

Microplane Model for Biological Soft Tissue
F.C. Caner, I. Carol

Characterizing the Mechanical Response of Soft Human Tissue for Medical Applications
E. Mazza, M. Bauer, M. Bajka, G.A. Holzapfel

Computational Modelling of Forming Processes I
Invited Session organized by Carlos Agelet de Saracibar, Jean-Philippe Ponthot
Room: VS217
Chair: to be confirmed
Application of the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Formulation to the Numerical Simulation of Forming Processes
R. Boman, L. Papeleux, J.P. Ponthot

Adaptive Hourglass Stabilization in Forming Simulations by Means of Reduced Integration
S.H. Reese, M. Schwarze

Mean-field Modelling of Non-monotonic Plasticity in TRIP-Assisted Multiphase Steel
L. Delannay, P.J. Jacques, R. Aerens, T. Kuwabara

A Variational Framework for General Isotropic Finite Viscoplasticity Models
E.A. Fancello, J.M. Vassoler, L. Stainier

A New 4-Node Shell Element using 16 Degrees of Freedom
F. Sabourin, J. Carbonniere, M. Brunet

Geomechanics I WeM7
Room: VS218
Chair: to be confirmed
A Predictive Plasticity Model for Static Liquefaction
J.E. Andrade

Changes of Mechanical Parameters of Soils due to Groundwater Flow - Processes Identification
M. Broucek, P. Kuklik

Modelling the Undrained Creep Behaviour of a Hard Clay in the Super-Critical Region
A. Vieira, J. Maranha, J. Bilé Serra, R. Correia

Multi-scale Material Models WeM8
Room: VS219
Chair: to be confirmed
A Constitutive Model for Nonlocal Plasticity
F. De Angelis

A Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity Theory based on Dislocation Densities
L. Bardella

Finite Element Simulations of Spherical Indentation Experiments in Thin Films at the Micro-scale
O. Casals, S. Forest

Numerical Simulation for Material Processing by using the Phase-Field Method and the Homogenization Method
K. Matsui, T. Koyama, K. Terada

Multiscale Simulations and Mesoscopic Modelling of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
I. Arias, M. Arroyo

Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata for Simulation of Microstructure Evolution
D.S. Svyetlichnyy

13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00
Plenary Lectures II
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
Multi-scale Formulation for Modeling Grain Boundary Migration and Dislocation Induced Plastic Deformation in Polycrystalline Materials
J.S. Chen, X. Zhang, S. Mehraeen

Modeling of Seamless Pipe Manufacturing Processes
E. Dvorkin

Verification of Linear and Nonlinear Structural Models through Strict Upper Error Bounds
P. Ladevèze

16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:30
Forming Process Simulations II WeA1
Room: VS201
Chair: to be confirmed
Research of Mechanism for Surface Texture by Sheet Rolling
Y. Fujii, Y. Maeda

Process Design and Finite Element Modeling of Tubes Manufacturing in the Ring Roller Plant
Z. Malinowski, W. Madej

3D Finite Element Simulation of Roughness Transfer in Temper and Skin-Pass Rolling
C. Edelbauer, A. Kainz, D. Paesold, K. Zeman

Thermo-Mechanical Analysis and Microstructural Evolution in Hot Strip Rolling
S. Rahmanian, J. Kadkhodapour, S. Ziaei-Rad, A. Kermanpour

Finite Element Modelling of Strain-Stiffening in Biaxial Hot Drawing Process of Poly(Ethylene Tetreohthalate)
K. Hasanpour, S. Ziaei-Rad

Comparison between “The Sequential Quadratic Programming Algorithm” and the Minimization of Maximum Bending Load and Springback in Sheet Metal Forming obtained by an Experimental Approach
R. Bahloul, H. Bel Hadj Salah, Ph. Dal Santo

Computational Modelling of Geotechnical Problems
Invited Session organized by Jose Marques
Room: VS213
Chair: to be confirmed
A Discrete Element Approach for Proppant Flowback Analyses
L.C. Vieira, C. Romanel, D.M. Roehl

A finite element analysis of the consolidation of unsaturated soils
A.R. Pereira, C. Romanel, C.L. Nogueira

Simulation of Pull-out Tests on Fully-bonded Fibreglass Reinforcement
A. Costa, A. Silva Cardoso, J. Almeida e Sousa

A Numerical Study on the Seismic Response of a Geosynthetic Reinforced Slope
C. Silva Vieira, M.L. Lopes, L. Caldeira

Geometrically Non-Linear Modelling of Shallow Foundation Collapse on Sloping Ground
J. Marques, R. Teixeira

Computational Contact and Interface Mechanics II
Invited Session organized by Tod Laursen
Room: VS214
Chair: to be confirmed
A Stabilized Integration Method for Frictional Dynamic Contact Problems
S. Hüeber, B. Wohlmuth

A Mortar Based Contact Formulation for Non-linear Dynamic Problems using Dual Lagrange Multipliers
S. Hartmann, S. Brunssen, E. Ramm, B. Wohlmuth

A Stabilized Treatment of Arbitrarily Oriented Interfaces
J. Sanders, J. Dolbow, T. Laursen

Generalized Closest Point Projection for Contact Analyses: On Existence and Uniqueness for Arbitrary Contact Surfaces
A. Konyukhov, K. Schweizerhof

Computational Limit and Shakedown Analysis II
Invited Session organized by Scott Sloan, Kristian Krabbenhoft
Room: VS215
Chair: Giulio Maier
Failure Modes and Bounding Loads in Shakedown Analysis
N. Zouain

Evaluation of Limits in Excess of the Shakedown Limit
A. Ponter

Discontinuity Layout Optimization: A New Numerical Procedure for Upper Bound Limit Analysis
M. Gilbert, C.C. Smith

Limit Analysis and Unilateral Contact
L. Naccarato, L. Borges

Shakedown Analysis with Nonlinear Yield Function
G. Garcea, L. Leonetti

Limit Analysis in Axisymmetric Conditions with Cone Shaped Yield Surface
I. Pontes Filho, L. Borges, N. Zouain, L. M Costa

Variational Plasticity Models for Geomaterials
K. Krabbenhoft, A.V. Lyamin, S.W. Sloan

Computational Methods in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology II
Invited Session organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel
Room: VS216
Chair: to be confirmed
Stability of Growth Models for Soft Tissue
K. Garikipati, H. Narayanan, D.T. O´Connor, J.E. Olberding

Computational contact analysis of stents interacting with patient-specific stenotic arteries using smooth surface discretization
D.E. Kiousis, G.A. Holzapfel

Mechanical Stresses in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Material Anisotropy a Parametric Study
J. Rodriguez, C. Ruiz, M. Doblaré, G.A. Holzapfel

"Universal" Microstructural Patterns in Cortical and Trabecular, Extracellular and extravascular Bone Materials: Micromechancis-based Prediction of Anisotropic Elasticity
C. Hellmich, A. Fritsch

Computational Modelling of Forming Processes II
Invited Session organized by Carlos Agelet de Saracibar, Jean-Philippe Ponthot
Room: VS217
Chair: to be confirmed
Numerical Simulation of Multi-Pass Welding and Metal Deposition Processes
M. Chiumenti, C. Agelet de Saracibar, M. Cervera

Optimum Forming Strategy with a 3D Reconfigurable Die
S. Boers, P. Schreurs, M. Geers

Texture-Based Plastic Anisotropy for Finite Element Simulations
A. Van Bael, S.K. Yerra, P. Van Houtte

Numerical Simulation of Semi-Solid Thixoforming
R. Koeune, J.P. Ponthot

Strategies for Modelling of Die Compaction of Powders
I.C. Sinka, A.C. Cocks

Advanced Material Models I WeA8
Room: VS219
Chair: to be confirmed
Numerical reconstruction of laboratory brickwork tests
A. Wawrzynek, A. Cińcio

Material Model describing Inelastic Behaviour of Asphalt Mixtures using Multi-Component Continuum Mechanics
B. Brodersen, L. Aschenbrenner, U. Kowalsky, D. Dinkler

Consistent Plane Stress–3D Conversion of Hardening Models and Yield Criteria
M. van Riel, A.H. van den Boogaard

A Three-Invariant Cap Plasticity model with Kinematic and Anisotropic Hardening Rule for Powder and Granular Materials
A.R. Khoei, H. DorMohammadi

Review of Application of Numerical Methods to Identification Material Model of Hard Nanocoating
M. Kopernik, D. Szeliga, M. Pietrzyk

A Material Model for the Shape-Memory Effect as well as Super-Elastic Behavior and its Application in Medical Technology
W. Rust, D. Kardas

20:30 - 22:30
Welcome Reception

Thursday, September 6th

09:00 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures III
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
Shape Memory Effects at Finite Strains of Cyclic Martensitic Phase Transformations in Monocrystals
E. Stein, G. Sagar

Multiresolution Mechanics and Ultra Large-Scale Multiscale Simulation of Nano/Micro-Structured Materiales
W.K. Liu, C. McVeigh, A. To, R. Tiang

Recent Advances and Validation of Upscaling of Viscoelastic and Strength Properties of Matrix-Inclusion Materials
J. Füssl, E.G. Aigner, R. Lackner, H.A. Mang

Multi-scale Finite Element Analyses of Material Process and Formability Test for Sheet Metal
E. Nakamachi

11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:30
Structural Masonry: Numerical Methods and Applications I
Invited Session organized by Pere Roca
Room: VS201
Chair: to be confirmed
Analysis of Large Historical Masonry Structures by Generalized Matrix Formulation
C. Molins, P. Roca

Seismic Analysis of Masonry Monuments by an Integrated Approach that Combines the Finite Element Models with a Specific Mechanistic Model
F. Peña, S. Casolo, P.B. Lourenço

Seismic Modelling of a Masonry Chimney
F. Pallarés, S. Ivorra

Non Linear Modeling Procedures for the Seismic Assessment of Reggio Emilia Cathedral, Italy
F. Casarin, C. Modena

Multi-scale Computational Strategies for Damage Propagation and Evolving Discontinuities I
Invited Session organized by Olivier Allix, Ekkehard Ramm
Room: VS213
Chair: to be confirmed
On the Use of DSDA and X-FEM for the Modelling of Discontinuities in Porous Media
J. Alfaiate, P. Moonen, L.J. Sluys

Recent Developments of a Multiscale Strategy: Recent Developments of a Multiscale Strategy for Crack Propagation and Delamination
O. Allix, P. Kerfriden, P. Gosselet

Numerical Applications of Distributed Damage in Confined Brittle Materials
A. Pandolfi, A. Mota, M. Ortiz

Finite Elements with Embedded Discontinuities and Dynamic Fracture
F. Armero, Ch. Linder

Multi-scale Strategies for Simulating Brittle Fracture in Metallic Materials
T. Luther, C. Könke

Multi-scale Modelling of Building Materials I
Invited Session organized by Herbert Mang, Josef Eberhardsteiner
Room: VS214
Chair: to be confirmed
A Coordinate-Free Asymptotic Approach to Modelling Curved Interfacial Transition Zones in Cement-Based Materials
C. Bouby, Q.C. He, S.T. Gu, V. Pensée

A Coupled Two-Scale Computational Approach for Masonry Plates at Failure
T.J. Massart, B. Mercatoris

H-M Mesostructural Analysis of the Effect of Aggregates on the Drying Shrinkage Microcracking of Concrete
A. Idiart, C. Lopez, I. Carol

Coupling Techniques for Heterogeneous Multiscale Models of Concrete
S. Eckardt, C. Könke

Multi-scale Modelling as a Tool for Innovation in Material Science and Engineering
K. van Breugel

Prediction of Failure, Damage and Formability I
Invited Session organized by José César de Sá
Room: VS215
Chair: to be confirmed
Evolution Damage Modelisation of Loaded Bearing Path
F. Bogard, P. Lestriez, Y.Q. Guo

3 D - Structural Analysis of CT - Specimen Covering Viscoplastic Deformation, Ductile Damage and Localization of the Deformation Field
J. Velde, U. Kowalsky, T. Zümendorf, D. Dinkler

Parameter Calibration in Non-Local Damage-Plasticity Modelling of Ductile Materials
J. Belnoue, P. Armitage, G. Nguyen, A. Korsunsky

Prediction of Failure, Damage and Formability in Forming Processes
J.M. César de Sá, A.D. Santos, P. Teixeira, C. Zheng

Accurate Hardening Modeling as Basis for the Realistic Simulation of Sheet Forming Processes with Complex Strain-Path Changes
V. Levkovitch, B. Svendsen

Macroscopic Strength Estimates for Ductile Three-Phase Fiber-Reinforced Composites
A. Taliercio

Computational Methods in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology III
Invited Session organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel
Room: VS216
Chair: to be confirmed
Modeling and Computational Aspects of Arterial Walls
D. Brands, J. Schröder, D. Balzani, A. Klawonn, O. Rheinbach

Cavity Detection and Crack Analysis in Biomechanics using BEM
B. Gámez, D. Ojeda, E. Divo, A. Kassab, M. Cerrolaza

A Multiphase Model of Biological Materials with Graded Porosity
T. Ricken, J. Bluhm

A Constituent-Based Computational Model for Vascular Remodelling of a Growing Cerebral Aneurysm
P. Vena, D. Gastaldi, L. Socci, G. Pennati, R. Contro

Micromechanical Modelling and Computational Testing of Skeletal Muscles
M. Böl, S. Reese

A Computational Approach for Stress Adaptive Bone Remodeling - A Comparative Study on Hip-Joint Endoprosthesis Design
U. Nackenhorst, A. Lutz

Numerical Modelling of Concrete Structures
Invited Session organized by Pavao Marovic
Room: VS217
Chair: to be confirmed
Solid FE Mode for RC Structures with Inside Detailed Information
A. Ibrahimbegovic, L. Davenne, A. Boulkertous, P. Jehel

Proposal of the New Nonlinear Numerical Model of Reinforced Concrete Structures
M. Galić, P. Marović, Ž. Nikolić

Non-linear model of reinforced concrete beams exposed to fatigue from moving loading
I. Kožar, S. Mrakovčić

Stability and Regularisation of Finite Element Solutions of Damage Problems with Strain Smoothing
A. Jefferson, P. Lyons

Analysis of Uniaxial Tension Experiments on Concrete based on Continuum Micromechanics of Cracked Brittle Materials
B. Pichler, J. Burrus, C. Hellmich

Continuum Microviscoelasticity of Cementitious Materials: Upscaling Technique and First Experimental Validation
S. Scheiner, C. Hellmich

Influence of 3D Consitutive Laws on the Impact Response of a Concrete Slab
L. Jason, D. Guilbaud, S. Durand

Damage, Fracture & Fatigue I ThM7
Room: VS218
Chair: to be confirmed
Crack Growth of 2D Small Scale Yielding Model under Variable Amplitude Loading
L.C. Ricardo, A.H. Andrade, K. Garcia, V. Gonçalves, L. Godefroid

The Force Method to Calculate Stress Intensity Factors for Arbitrary Meshes
A. Costa, R. Cardoso, J. Yoon, A. Morais

Fracture of Welded Plates: An Experimental and Numerical Study
G. Pape, A. Erkel

Fracture Mechanics of Rubber Materials: General Formulation and Application to Endochronic Plasticity
C. Morgner, M. Kaliske, B. Näser

Analysis of Microcracking in Ceramics Induced by Elastic Anisotropy using Discontinuous Galerkin Method
F. Stan

Advanced Material Models II ThM8
Room: VS219
Chair: to be confirmed
Formulation and Calibration of a Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Model for HCP Polycrystals
S.Y. Zhang, X. Song, D. Dini, A. Korsunsky

Strain Gradient Plasticity Based Analysis of Transformation Induced Plasticity in Multiphase Steels
L. Mazzoni, T.J. Massart, T. Pardoen

Significance of the Choice of Conjugate Tensors on Fitting Stress-Strain Curves and Yield Surfaces
Z. Hruby, J. Plesek

Nonlocal Plasticity Applied to Bending of Beams
L. Strömberg

Design of Damage-Plastic Model for Quasi-Brittle Materials
J. Sýkora, J. Vorel, M. Šejnoha

Finite Element Simulation of Aluminium Sheet Warm Forming using Alflow Hardening Model
S. Kurukuri, A.H. van den Boogaard, J. Huétink

13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:30
Plenary Lectures IV
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
Electronic Structure Calculation of Material Properties at the Macroscale
V. Gavini, K. Bhattacharya , M. Ortiz

Two-Scale Approaches for Fracture in Porous Media
R. de Borst, J. Réthoré, M-A. Abellan

Variational Principles for Dissipative Solids in Physical and Material Space: Implications to Computational Plasticity and Fracture
Ch. Miehe

Multidisciplinary Problems in Computational Fusion Technology
B.A. Schrefler, D.P. Boso, M. Lefik

16:30 - 17:00
Coffee Break

17:00 - 19:00
Structural Masonry: Numerical Methods and Applications II
Invited Session organized by Pere Roca
Room: VS201
Chair: to be confirmed
Limit Analysis of Masonry Structures using Funicular Lines
P. Roca, A. Andreu, L. Gil

An Embedded Cohesive Crack Model for Finite Element Analysis of Mixed Mode Fracture of Brickwork Masonry
E. Reyes, J.C. Gálvez, D.A. Cendón, M.J. Casati, J.M. Sancho, J. Planas

Determination of Size Independent Fracture Energy for Regular Masonry
J. Vorel, J. Sýkora, M. Šejnoha

Heterogeneous and Homogenized FE Models for the Limit Analysis of Out-of-Plane Loaded Masonry Walls
G. Milani, P.B. Lourenço

Collapse of Masonry Vaults and Arches using Nonlinear Discrete Numerical Methods
R. Bravo Pareja, J.L. Pérez-Aparicio

Multi-scale Computational Strategies for Damage Propagation and Evolving Discontinuities II
Invited Session organized by Olivier Allix, Ekkehard Ramm
Room: VS213
Chair: to be confirmed
Simulation of Ductile Damage and Fracture in Heterogeneous Materials with a Non-local Damage Model
F. Reusch, C. Hortig, B. Svendsen

Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin Models for Multiscale Elastodynamic Fracture: Recent Progress
R. Abedi, M.A. Hawker, R.B. Haber

Multiple-Scale Analysis of Impact Fracture
R.R. Pedersen, A. Simone, L.J. Sluys

Nonlocal Description of the Damage and Failure of Stratified Composites
F. Feyel, N. Germain

Multi-Scale Modelling of Fracture in Piezoelectric Ceramics
C.V. Verhoosel, M.A. Gutiérrez, R. de Borst

Multi-scale Modelling of Building Materials II
Invited Session organized by Herbert Mang, Josef Eberhardsteiner
Room: VS214
Chair: to be confirmed
Extraction of Crack Opening from a Nonlocal Damage Damage Field
G. Legrain, F. Dufour, A. Huerta, G. Pijaudier-Cabot

Multiscale Creep and Shrinkage Model for Early-Age Cement-Based Materials
C. Pichler, R. Lackner

Multiscale modelling of multiphysical problems in porous building materials
J. Carmeliet, P. Moonen, S. Mertens, L.J. Sluys

A Computational Homogenisation Approach for Cohesive Interfaces
C.B. Hirschberger, S. Ricker, P. Steinmann, N. Sukumar

Multi-Scale Characterization of Building Materials by means of High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy Imaging Techniques
B.E. Möser

Prediction of Failure, Damage and Formability II
Invited Session organized by José César de Sá
Room: VS215
Chair: to be confirmed
Damage Models used for Prediction of Fractures in Metal Forming Prcesses
S H Zhang, W T Zheng, H W Song, X W Chen, M Cheng, Z T Wang

Finite Element Based Formability Predictions of Sheets Subjected to the Incremental Forming Process
P. Eyckens, S. He, A. Van Bael, J. Duflou, P. Van Houtte

Unit-Cell and Micropore Damage Models for Low-Cycle Fatigue Analysis of Ductile Metals.
J.H. Hommel, G. Meschke

Application of Non-local Damage Models to Sheet Forming Applications
H. H Wisselink, J. Huétink

Industrial Perspective of Numerical Forming Processes
Invited Session organized by Masayoshi Akiyama
Room: VS216
Chair: to be confirmed
Transient Analysis of Long-product Rolling using Three-dimensional Rigid-plastic FEM
Y. Wada, S. Hayashi, K. Yamada

Meso-scale Analysis of Strain Distribution in Polycrystalline Metals using Digital Image Correlation Analysis
M. Yoshida, M. Akiyama

Deformable Micro Pillar Array with Magnetic Particles and Elastic Material
F. Tsumori, N. Miyano, A. Fukui, K. Sagawa, H. Kotera

Numerical Investigation on Bending Properties of Aluminum Sheet Subjected to Embossing on Both Sides
C. Namoco, R. Kuramatsu, T. Iizuka, N. Takakura

Thickness Optimisation of Axisymmetric Tube Extruded by a New Method using Tapered Mandrel
T. Kuboki, T. Makiyama, M. Murata

Characterization of Macroscopic Yield Strength of Polycrystalline Metals by Multiscale Metal Forming Analysis
K. Terada, H. Tabata, I. Watanabe, M. Akiyama

Study on Nonlinear Deformation of High-Porosity Porous Materials using Constitutive Equation Incorporating Phase Transformation
A. Sakuma, N. Azusawa, S. Nagaki

Innovative Computational Models I ThA6
Room: VS217
Chair: to be confirmed
A Second-Order Model for Buckling Analysis of Elastoplastic Beams
A. L Ibán, J.M. Terán, E.L. Chica

Imperfect Bond Modelled by the FETI Method
J. Kruis, P. Štemberk

Double-Step Midpoint Methods for J2 Plasticity with Nonlinear Hardening
E. Artioli, F. Auricchio, L. Beirão da Veiga

Numerical Methods for the Complex Fuzzy-Random Analysis of Uncertainty in Structure Design
Z. Kala

A Novel Class of Error Estimate Free Adaptive Finite Element Formulations for Standard Dissipative Solids at Finite Strains
J. Mosler, M. Ortiz

Fully automatic 2D hp-adaptive Finite Element Method for Non-Stationary Heat Transfer
P.J. Matuszyk, M. Paszynski

A Hysteretic Tensile-Compressive Cyclic Constitutive Model for Damaging Wet Concrete
S. Mertens, J. Carmeliet, J. Vantomme

Damage, Fracture & Fatigue II ThA7
Room: VS218
Chair: to be confirmed
Microscopic Energy Dissipation and Fatigue Crack Initiation in Polycrystalline Metallic Alloys
X. Song, S.Y. Zhang, D. Dini, A. Korsunsky

Adaptive Strategies for Explicit 3D Crack Propagation Simulations in Brittle Materials by Means of a Mixed Continuous-Discontinuous Model
S.H. Reese, P. Wriggers

Experimental and Numerical Dynamic Ductile Damage Analysis of Inflator Structure
H. Fresnel, P. Longère, V. Grolleau, G. Rio, P. Hardy

Predicting the Interfacial Delamination in Polymer Coated Metal Sheet during Deep-Drawing
M. van den Bosch, P. Schreurs, M. Geers

The Simulation of Elastic–Plastic Degradation of Concrete as a Result of Corrosion
T. Krykowski

Modelling of Cohesive Fracture Processes by Intra-Element Discontinuities
M. Cuomo, L. Contrafatto, M. Miccichè

Advanced Material Models III ThA8
Room: VS219
Chair: to be confirmed
Adapted Material Model for the Numerical Determination of Martensite Evolution during Deep Drawing Processes
B.A. Behrens, K. Voges-Schwieger, K. Weilandt

A Stress Integration Algorithm for Phase Transforming Materials
E.S. Perdahcioglu, H.J. Geijselaers, J. Huétink

Dislocation Density Based Constitutive Model for Ti-6Al-4V: Including Recovery and Recrystallisation
B. Babu

Analysis of Concrete Slab during Construction
P. Štemberk, J. Kruis, M. Frantová

A Dislocation Based Material Model for Warm Forming Simulation
B. Berisha, P. Hora, F. Vanini, L. Tong

Plasticity with Non-local Damage Formulation: Industrial Applications
A. Krayani, F. Dufour, G. Pijaudier-Cabot

20:30 - 23:00
Conference Dinner

Friday, September 7th

09:15 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures V
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
Hierarchical Multiscale Model for Localized Failure in Heterogeneous Solids
E. Ramm, T. Hettich, A. Hund

Homogeneization of heterogeneous and Granular Material using Finite and Discrete Elements
P. Wriggers, M. Hain, C. Wellmann, I. Temizer

To be announced
D. Peric

11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:30
Heterogeneities in Plasticity and Damage
Invited Session organized by Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Hermann Matthies
Room: VS201
Chair: to be confirmed
FE Computational Algorithmes for Nonlinear Inelastic Behavior of Heterogeneous Materials
A. Ibrahimbegovic, D. Brancherie, J-B. Colliat, A. Kucerova, S. Melnyk, D. Markovic

A Computational Approach for Probabilistic Laws Identification of Heterogeneous Materials Plastic Behavior Properties
M. Hautefeuille, S. Melnyk, J-B. Colliat, H.G. Matthies, A. Ibrahimbegovic

A Spectral Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of Delamination in Fibre-Metal Laminates
D.B. Chung, M.A. Gutiérrez

Formulation of a Heterogeneous Stochastic Elasto-Plastic Material
B. Rosic, H.G. Matthies, M. Zivkovic, A. Ibrahimbegovic

The Theory of Plasticity Involving Micro Strains: Formulation and Application
Y. Chernyakov, V. Shneider

Cutting & Forming
Invited Session organized by Miguel Vaz Jr.
Room: VS213
Chair: to be confirmed
Improving the Accuracy of Numerical Investigations of Sheet Metal Processes by Coupling a Process FE-Analysis and a Machine Simulation
B.A. Behrens, M. Ahrens, J. Poelmeyer

Simulation of Mechanical Cutting using a Material Model based on Dislocation Density
A. Svoboda, L-E. Lindgren, D. Wedberg, V. Kalhori, M. Lundblad

New Trends and Advancements in Metal Machining Simulation
M. Vaz Jr.

Multi-scale Modelling of Building Materials III
Invited Session organized by Herbert Mang, Josef Eberhardsteiner
Room: VS214
Chair: to be confirmed
A Two-Scale Model for Cyclic Mode I Loading of Quasi-Brittle Materials
P. Moonen, S. Mertens, L.J. Sluys, J. Carmeliet

Multi-scale Homogenization of Cement-based Materials
Z. Bittnar, V. Šmilauer

Homogenization of Strength, Fatigue and Creep Durability of Periodic Composites with Periodic Structure
J. Orlik, S.E. Mikhailov

Theoretical Study of Methods used to Determine Ionic Diffusion Coefficients in Concrete using Migration Tests
P. Pivonka, G. Narsilio, D. Smith, R. Li

Relating Elastic Properties of Wood to Solid-Type and Plate-Type Microstructural Deformations: Application of a Multistep Homogenization Scheme
K. Hofstetter, C. Hellmich, J. Eberhardsteiner

Analysis, Optimization and Process Design of Sheet Metal Forming Parts I
Invited Session organized by Jean Louis Batoz, Hakim Naceur
Room: VS215
Chair: to be confirmed
Enhanced Formulation of a Combined Hardening for Stamping and Springback Simulation
J. Carbonniere, F. Sabourin, L. Phan, A. KanjiNanji, B. Lenne, G. Philip

Application of Kriging Method for Shape Optimization of Sheet Metal Forming Tools
M. Oudjene, N. Lebaal, L. Ben-Ayed, J.L. Batoz

Determination of the Forming Machine Properties in a Machine Model for a Coupled Simulation
B.A. Behrens, M. Ahrens, J. Poelmeyer

Investigation on Solution Method Enhancements for Incremental Forming Simulations by Adapted Algebraic Multigrid
S. Bauer, F. Schmid, M. Schäfer

Industrial Applications I FrM5
Room: VS216
Chair: to be confirmed
Mathematical Modelling of Squeeze Moulding and Comparison of Results by using Industrial Computer Tomography (iCT)
A. Kadauw, J. Bast, D. Fiedler, I. Betchvaia, H.C. Saewert

Structural Response of Unstiffened Panels under Close-in Blast Loading
M.D. Tyler-Street, J.M. Luyten, J. Mediavilla Varas

Simulating the Plastic Bending of Innovative Tube Connections
M. De Strycker, K. Vanden Hautte, D. Debruyne, W. Van Paepegem

Local Shakedown Analysis in Regions of Holes in High-Pressure Vessels
A.P. Zielinski, G. Widlak

Low-Cycle Fatigue of High-Pressure Vessels Subject to Thermal Loads
G. Widlak, A.P. Zielinski

Multi-body and Non-linear Dynamics FrM6
Room: VS217
Chair: to be confirmed
Conservation Properties of Galerkin-Based Time-Stepping Schemes for Finite Elasto-Plasto-Dynamics
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, P. Steinmann

Vulnerability Analysis of a Water Castle
S. Ginju, M. Ieremia, O. Cartoafa, R. Nica

Geomechanics II FrM7
Room: VS218
Chair: to be confirmed
Some Aspects of DE/FE Combined Method : Model Identification and Combined Method
J. Rousseau, E. Frangin, Ph. Marin, L. Daudeville

Hydrofracture Modelling of Quasi-Brittle Materials using Zero-Thickness Interface Elements
J.M. Segura, I. Carol

Critical State of Fabric in Granular Material and Micromechanical Modelling with Buckling of Microstructure
K. Maeda, T. Matsumoto

DEM / FEM Computation of Excavation Processes
J. Rojek, E. Oñate, C. Labra, H. Kargl

Micromechanical Analysis of the Rock Sanding Problem in Oil Perforations
D. Garolera, C.M. López, I. Carol

Numerical Modelling of Formation and Propagation of Drying Cracks in Soils
H.U. Levatti, P. Prat, A. Ledesma

13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:30
Dynamics and Contact FrA1
Room: VS201
Chair: to be confirmed
Development of Plastic Regions in Underground Structures under Dynamic Loading
P.P. Prochazka

A 3D Contact Model for Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Systems
S.A. Schwindt, N. Petrinic, B.CF Elliott

Numerical Modeling of Large Deformation Frictional Contact with the Extended Finite Element Method
M. Anahid , I. Yadegaran , A.R. Khoei

Advanced Material Models IV FrA2
Room: VS213
Chair: to be confirmed
Gradient Plasticity with Deffuse Boundary Derived from Continuum Mixture Theory
L. Strömberg

A Proposal of Constitutive Telations of SMA Material Subjected to Dynamic Loads
W. Grzesikiewicz, A. Zbiciak

Computational Aspects of Two-Scale Modeling of Blood Perfused Tissues
E. Rohan, R. Cimrman

A Coupled Viscoplastic-Damage Model for Cement-Bone Interfaces
P. Moreo, J.M. García-Aznar, M. Doblaré

Improved Mixture Rules for the Composite (FGM‘s) Sandwich Beam Element
J. Murín, V. Kutiš

Damage, Fracture & Fatigue III FrA3
Room: VS214
Chair: to be confirmed
Optimal Design of Notched Machine Parts with Respect to Fracture and Low Cycle Fatigue
B. Wilczynski, Z. Mróz

Experimental and Numerical Investigations for an Optimum Relative Clearance in Blanking
B-A. Behrens, M. Kamp, K.B. Sidhu

Poromechanical Modelling of Hygric Shrinkage and Crystallization Swelling in Layered Porous Materials
H. Derluyn, A.S. Poupeleer, P. Moonen, J. Carmeliet

Semi-elliptical Single or Multi-Crack Propagation under Thermomechanical Variable Amplitude Loading
A. Sbitti, S. Taheri, E. Galenne

Analysis, Optimization and Process Design of Sheet Metal Forming Parts II
Invited Session organized by Jean Louis Batoz, Hakim Naceur
Room: VS215
Chair: to be confirmed
A Numerical Approach for the Design of High Precision Metallic Parts Obtained by Stamping
M. Azaouzi, H. Naceur, A. Delamézière, J.L. Batoz

Analysis of Industrial Sheet Metal Forming Processes using an Enhanced Rotation-Free Basic Shell Triangle
L. Neamtu, F. Flores, E. Oñate

New Consideration of Controlled Anisotropy for the Fast Formiing of Decorated Food Cans
H. Naceur, A. Delamézière, J.L. Batoz

Sensitivity Analysis of Process Parameters in the Stamping of Thin Metallic Packaging Containers
T. Sedrat, B. Barkat, M.C. Bendaas

Analysis of the Thinning Phenomenon Variations in Sheet Metal Forming Process
F. Abbassi, O. Pantalé, A. Zghal, R. Rakotomalala

Industrial Applications II FrA5
Room: VS216
Chair: to be confirmed
A Numerical Study of Influence of the Indenter Geometry on Depth Sensing Indentation Results
N.A. Sakharova, J.V. Fernandes, J.M. Antunes, M.C. Oliveira

A Numerical Model of Light Adjustable Lens
A. Pandolfi, M. Ortiz

Stude for Design and Identification of a Bolted Joint Model
M. Cloirec, P.A. Boucard, L. Champaney, S. Guinard, J. Sen Gupta

Numerical and Experimental Analyses of Steel Members Connections
M. Bajer, Š. Řepa, J. Kala

Normalization Factor for T•Log(t/τ0) Scaling of Thermal Depending Properties of Heat Treatable Aluminium Alloys
J. Llumà, J. Jorba

Reliability Analysis of Steel Structures Focused on Semi-probabilistic Design Concept of Eurocodes
Z. Kala, A. Omishore

Numerical Modeling of Steel Chemical Members
M. Bajer, J. Kala, J. Barnat

Innovative Computational Models II FrA6
Room: VS217
Chair: to be confirmed
Higher Order Discretization Concept for 3D Multifield Analyses of Cracked Concrete Structures
S. Jox, Ch. Becker, G. Meschke

A Computational Technique for Calculating Plasticity-Induced Crack Closure in Plates of Finite Thickness
J. Codrington, A. Kotousov, A. Blazewicz

Application of the Method of Characteristics to Finding the Strain Rate Intensity Factor
E. Lyamina

Error Control and Time-Sequential Adaptive Technique for the Visco-Plasticity Problem
F. Larsson, K. Runesson

3D Modeling of Large Elasto–plastic Deformation via the Extended Finite Element Method
A.R. Khoei, S.O. Biabanaki , M. Anahid

A Simplified Second Gradient Brittle Materials for Solving Hydro-Mechanical Coupling Problems
R. Fernandes, C. Chavant, R. Chambon

Multi-scale Constitutive Modelling: Theory and Applications
Invited Session organized by Eduardo de Souza Neto, Djordje Peric, R. Feijoo
Room: VS218
Chair: to be confirmed
Second-order Computational Homogenisation: Scale Transition and Enforcement of RVE Boundary Conditions
L. Kaczmarczyk, C.J. Pearce, N. Bicanic

Computational Strategies for Multi-scale Analysis of Solids: Small and Large Strain Formulations
D.D. Somer, E.A. de Souza Neto, W.G. Dettmer, D. Peric

An Optimisation Based Procedure for the Characterisation of Macroscopic Constitutive Functions for Materials with Hyperelastic Microstructures
D.C. Speirs, E.A. de Souza Neto, D. Peric

Dislocation Nucleation and Defect Structure during Nanoindentation: An Analysis by Means of a Novel Quasicontinuum Method
B. Eidel, A. Stukowski

Physically-Based Crystal Plasticity Modelling of GND Distributions in a Bicrystal and in Nanoindentation
H. Liang, F.P. Dunne

16:30 - 17:30
Farewell Cocktail