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Number of visits: 309284

6/9/2007    11:30 - 13:30
Numerical Modelling of Concrete Structures
Invited Session organized by Pavao Marovic
Room: VS217
Chair: to be confirmed
Solid FE Mode for RC Structures with Inside Detailed Information
A. Ibrahimbegovic, L. Davenne, A. Boulkertous, P. Jehel

Proposal of the New Nonlinear Numerical Model of Reinforced Concrete Structures
M. Galić, P. Marović, Ž. Nikolić

Non-linear model of reinforced concrete beams exposed to fatigue from moving loading
I. Kožar, S. Mrakovčić

Stability and Regularisation of Finite Element Solutions of Damage Problems with Strain Smoothing
A. Jefferson, P. Lyons

Analysis of Uniaxial Tension Experiments on Concrete based on Continuum Micromechanics of Cracked Brittle Materials
B. Pichler, J. Burrus, C. Hellmich

Continuum Microviscoelasticity of Cementitious Materials: Upscaling Technique and First Experimental Validation
S. Scheiner, C. Hellmich

Influence of 3D Consitutive Laws on the Impact Response of a Concrete Slab
L. Jason, D. Guilbaud, S. Durand


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