Invited Sessions
Plenary lectures will be complemented by invited sessions organized by recognised experts in targeted research areas.
The talks scheduled are generally invited by the organizers. Authors interested to contribute to a particular Invited Session are kindly requested to contact the session organizer(s) directly.
Persons willing to organize an Invited Session on a specific topic are kindly requested to send their proposal to the conference secretariat.
A preliminary list of the Invited Sessions planned follows.
Advanced Computational Methods in Material Forming
Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto and Renato Natal
francisco.chinesta@paris.ensam.fr ; ecueto@unizar.es ; rnatal@fe.up.pt
Analysis, Optimization and Process Design of Sheet Metal Forming Parts
Jean-Louis Batoz and Hakim Naceur
jean-louis.batoz@utc.fr ; hakim.naceur@utc.fr
Applications of Numerical Methods to Designs for Industries
Masayoshi Akiyama and Takashi Iizuka
Computational Interface and Contact Mechanics
Tod Laursen
Computational Methods in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
Gerhard Holzapfel
Computational Modelling of Material Forming Processes and Impact Problems
Carlos Agelet de Saracibar and Jean-Philippe Ponthot
agelet@cimne.upc.edu ; JP.Ponthot@ulg.ac.be
Computational Strategies for Metal Cutting & Forming Operations
Miguel Vaz
Constitutive Modelling and Simulation of Superelastic/Shape Memory Materials
Edoardo Artioli and Robert Taylor
artioli@ing.uniroma2.it ; rlt@ce.berkeley.edu
Constitutive Modelling in Soil Mechanics
Manuel Pastor, Felix Darve and Roberto Nova
Continuum and Discontinuum Modelling of Failure of Concrete
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Antonio Huerta and Frédéric Dufour
Gilles.Pijaudier-Cabot@ec-nantes.fr ; antonio.huerta@upc.edu ; frederic.dufour@ec-nantes.fr
Multiscale Approaches to Heterogeneous Materials
Hermann Matthies and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic
h.matthies@tu-bs.de ; ai@lmt.ens-cachan.fr
Multiscale Computational Strategies for Damage
Propagation and Evolving Discontinuities
Olivier Allix, Ekkehard Ramm , Peter Wriggers
allix@lmt.ens-cachan.fr ; ramm@ibb.uni-stuttgart.de ; wriggers@ibnm.uni-hannover.de
Multiscale Modeling for Microstructure Design of Materials
Tomohiro Takaki
Numerical Modelling of Concrete Structures
Pavao Marovic
Prediction of Failure, Damage and Formability
José César de Sá and Khemais Saanouni
cesarsa@fe.up.pt ; saanouni@utt.fr