Wednesday, July 2nd    16:30 - 18:30
Mechanical Modeling of Wood and Wood Based Materials I
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Josef Eberhardsteiner, Michael Kaliske and Karin Hofstetter
Room: CAS3.6
16:30 A 3D Coupled Moisture-Stress Numerical Analysis for Timber Structures (Keynote Lecture)
Stefania Fortino, Antti Hanhijärvi, Florian Mirianon and Tomi Toratti

17:00 Numerical Modeling of Moisture Transport in Wood (Keynote Lecture)
Staffan Svensson and Henrik L. Frandsen

17:30 Modelling of Cross-Laminated Solid Wood Panels
Thomas Gereke, Per Johan Gustafsson, Kent Persson and Peter Niemz

17:50 Hygromechanical Behaviour of Painted Wooden Panels from the Cultural Heritage
Joseph Gril and Patrick Perré

Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Mechanical Modeling of Wood and Wood Based Materials II
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Josef Eberhardsteiner, Michael Kaliske and Karin Hofstetter
Room: CAS3.6
10:30 Multiscale Approach for the Modelling of Timber Structures under Earthquake Loading
Luc Davenne, Motoi Yasumura and Nicolas Richard

10:50 Modeling Anisotropic Elasticity of Multi-Layer Engineered Wood Products
Reinhard Stürzenbecher, Karin Hofstetter, Gerhard Schickhofer and Josef Eberhardsteiner

11:10 Prediction of Effective Stiffness Properties of Wooden Lightweight Panels by Means of Numerical Simulations
Christoph Hackspiel, Karin Hofstetter and Ulrich Müller

11:30 A Multi-Scale Analysis of Wood Physical Properties by the Reinforced-Matrix Principle: Formulation by Mori-Tanaka Theory
Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Joseph Gril and Tancrede Almeras

11:50 Tensile Properties of Native Wood Fibres
Michaela Eder, Stefanie Tschegg and Ingo Burgert

Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Mechanical Modeling of Wood and Wood Based Materials III
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Josef Eberhardsteiner, Michael Kaliske and Karin Hofstetter
Room: CAS3.6
14:00 Microfracture and Damage in Wood: A Lattice Simulation and Acoustic Emission Measurement
Edwin Nagy, William Davids and Eric Landis

14:20 Thermal Damage and Cooling Effects on Modelled Bond Strength Mappings in Bio-Composite Materials during their Consolidation
Philip Humphrey and Heiko Thoemen

14:40 3-Dimensional Lattice Model for Predicting Failure in Structural Composite Lumber Products
Monica A. Snow, Ian Smith and Andi Asiz

15:00 Modelling and Numerical Analysis of Wooden Structures
Jörg Schmidt, Eckart Resch and Michael Kaliske

15:20 Modelling of Growth Stress Generation and Timber Distortions related to Log Sawing and Forced Drying
Sigurdur Ormarsson and Ola Dahlblom

15:40 Morphological Characterization of Wood/Polymer Interphase in Wood-Plastic Composites using Advanced Imaging Tools
Lech Muszynski and Yi Wang

Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Mechanical Modeling of Wood and Wood Based Materials IV
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Josef Eberhardsteiner, Michael Kaliske and Karin Hofstetter
Room: CAS3.6
16:30 Full Field Image Correlation at Micro-Scale to Investigate Transverse Meso-Scale Heterogeneity of Mechanical Behaviour of Softwood
Pierre Simon, Hubert Maigre, Jean-François Jullien, Dominique Eyheramendy, Gilbert Thollet and Sylvie Descartes

16:50 Investigation of the Mechanism of Failure Behaviour of Wood Based Materials using Acoustic Emission Analysis and Image Processing
Peter Niemz, Andreas Brunner and Olivier Walter

17:10 Optical Measurement of Local Strains Development in Finger-Jointed Wood Subjected to Static and Sustained Loads
Lech Muszynski, Boris Clouet and Regis Pommier

17:30 Three-Dimensional Elasticity of Yew (Taxus Baccata L.) and Spruce (Picea Abies [L.] Karst.)
Daniel Keunecke, Stefan Hering and Peter Niemz


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