In cooperation with Universitat
de les Illes Balears (UIB)

PERIAUX, Jacques

Books (as editor)

  1. GAMM Workshop, Numerical Analysis of Laminar Flow Over a Step, Bievres, edited by K. Morgan, J. Périaux, F. Thomasset, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg, Vol. 9, 1983.
  2. GAMM workshop, Numerical Simulation of Compressible Navier Stokes Flows, Nice, edited by M. O. Bristeau, R. Glowinski, J. Périaux, H. Viviand, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg, Vol. 18, 1986.
  3. Innovative Numerical Methods in Engineering, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium, Atlanta, USA, 1986, edited by R.P. Shaw, J. Périaux, A. Chaudouet, J. Wu, C. Marino and C.A. Brebbia, Springer Verlag.
  4. GAMM Workshop, Numerical Simulation of Compressible Euler Flows, INRIA Rocquencourt, edited by A. Dervieux, J. Périaux, A. Rizzi, B. Van Leer, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg, 1989.
  5. Innovative Numerical Method in Engineering, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1989, edited by R. Gruber, J. Périaux, R.P. Shaw, Springer Verlag.
  6. Hypersonics, Volumes 1 and 2, First Joint Europe/US Short Course on Hypersonics, Paris, 1987, J. Bertin, R. Glowinski, J. Périaux, eds, Birkhauser,1989.
  7. Advances in Hypersonics, Volumes 3,4 and 5, Second and Third Joint Europe/US Short Course on Hypersonics, Colorado Springs, 1989 and Aachen, 1990, J. Ballmann, J. Bertin and J. Périaux eds, Birkhauser, 1992.
  8. Proceedings of the Antibes Workshop on Hypersonic Flows for Reentry Problems, Part I, J.A. Désidéri, R. Glowinski and J. Périaux eds, Springer Verlag, Volumes I & II, 1991.
  9. Proceedings of the Antibes Workshop on Hypersonic Flows for Reentry Problems, Part II, R. Abgrall, J.A. Désidéri, R. Glowinski, M. Mallet and J. Périaux eds., Springer Verlag, Volume III, 1993
  10. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations, G. H. Golub, R. Glowinski, G. Meurant, J. Périaux eds, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1988.
  11. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations, T.F. Chan, R. Glowinski, J. Périaux, O.B. Widlund eds, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1989.
  12. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations, T.F. Chan, R. Glowinski, J. Périaux, O.B. Widlund eds, SIAM Philadelphia, 1990.
  13. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations, R. Glowinski, Y.A. Kuznetsov, J. Périaux and O.B. Widlund eds, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1991.
  14. Proceedings of the First European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, C.Hirsch, J. Périaux and W. Kordulla, Eds.
  15. Proceedings of the Parallel CFD '93 Conference, A. Ecer, J. Hauser, P. Leca, J.Périaux, eds, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  16. Proceedings of the 2nd French-Russian workshop on Fluids Dynamics: Modelization, Experimental and Computational Aspects, Y. Kuznetsov, B. Chetverushkin, A. Désidéri, J. Périaux, B. Stoufflet eds., John Wiley.
  17. Numerical Methods for the solution of Maxwell Equations, J. Périaux and R. Lohner, Eds., John Wiley.
  18. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference / Workshop on Optimum Shape design in Aerodynamics, J. Périaux, P. Chaviaropoulos, T. Labrujere, E. Onate, B. Stoufflet Eds., Vieweg Verlag, 1996.
  19. Domain Decomposition in Sciences and Engineering : The 6th International Conference on Domain Decomposition, June 15-19; 1992, Como, Italy, A. Quarteroni, J. Périaux, Y.A. Kuznetsov, O.B. Widlund, Eds., Serie 157 in Contemporary Mathematics, AMS.
  20. Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, G. Winter, J. Périaux, M. Galan, P. Cuesta, Eds., John Wiley, 1995.
  21. Proceedings of the 3rd French-Russian workshop on Fluids Dynamics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan : Modelization, Experimental and Computational Aspects, Y. Kuznetsov, B. Chetverushkin, A. Désidéri, J. Périaux, Eds, John Wiley to appear.
  22. Proceedings of the Parallel CFD '94 Conference, Kyoto, Japan A. Ecer, N. Satofuka, J. Périaux Eds., Elsevier Amsterdam.
  23. Proceedings of the Parallel CFD '95 Conference, A. Ecer, S. Taylor, J. Périaux, N. Satofuka, Eds. Elsevier Amsterdam
  24. Proceedings of the Parallel CFD '96 Conference, Capri, Italy, A. Ecer, J. Périaux, N. Satofuka, P. Schiano Eds., Elsevier Amsterdam.
  25. Proceedings of ECCOMAS '92 Conference, Brussels , Belgium, C. Hirsch, W. Kordulla, E. Onate, J. Périaux, O. Zienkiewicz, Eds., John Wiley.
  26. Proceedings of ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, S. Wagner, J. Périaux, R. Riva, Eds., John Wiley.
  27. Proceedings of ECCOMAS '96 Conference , Paris, France, J.A. Désidéri,C. Hirsch, P. Le Tallec, E. Onate, M. Pandolfi, J. Périaux, E. Stein, Eds., John Wiley
  28. Computational Science for the 21st Century, M.O. Bristeau, G. Etgen, W. Fitzgibbon, J.L. Lions, J. Périaux, M. F. Wheeler, Eds, John Wiley, 1997
  29. Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science, Trieste , Italy, J. Périaux, C. Poloni, D. Quagliarella, G. Winter, Eds., John Wiley, 1997
  30. Optimum Aerodynamic Design and Parallel Navier Stokes Computation, ECARP - European Computational Aerodynamics Research Project - J.Périaux, G. Bugeda, P. K. Chaviaropoulos, K. Giannakoglou, S. Lanteri, B. Mantel, Eds., Vieweg Verlag, Notes of numerical fluids mechanics - Vol. 61, 1998
  31. Computational Mathematics Driven by Industrial Problems, Lectures Notes in Mathematics, 1739, Springer, Martina Franca, Italy 1999, Eds: V. Capasso, H. Engl, J.Periaux
  32. CFD for the 21st Century, Proceedings of a Symposium Honoring Prof. Satofuka on the occasion of his 60th Birthday, Kyoto, Japan, 15-17 July, 2000 , Eds: M. Hafez, K. Morinishi, J. Periaux, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Volume 78, Springer
  33. Innovative Tools for Scientific Computation in Aeronautical Engineering, Eds: J.Periaux, P. Joly, O.Pironneau and E. Onate, CIMNE Barcelona, A series of handbooks on Theory and Engineering Applications of computational methods, 2001
  34. Towards a New Computational Fluid Dynamics with its Challenges in Aerospace Engineering Eds: J.Periaux, D. Champion, O.Pironneau and P. Thomas, CIMNE Barcelona, A series of handbooks on Theory and Engineering Applications of computational methods, to appear
  35. West East High Speed Flow Field Conference, Eds. : D. Zeitoun, JA Desideri and J. Periaux Marseille, France , April 22-26, 2002, CIMNE Barcelona, A series of handbooks on Theory and Engineering Applications of computational methods, to appear
  36. EUROGEN2001 Conference, 19-21 September, Athens, Greece, Eds: K. Giannakoglou, D. Tsahalis, J.Periaux and K.Papailiou, CIMNE Barcelona, A series of handbooks on Theory and Engineering Applications of computational methods, to appear
  37. Couplings of Fluids, Structures and Waves problems in Aeronautics, Proceedings of the CFSWA01 French/Australian Workshop, Dec 6-9, 2001, Eds: N. Barton and J. Periaux, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Springer, to appear

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