In cooperation with Universitat
de les Illes Balears (UIB)

PERIAUX, Jacques

Some recent publications (1995-2001) [2/2]

  • B. Mantel, J. Périaux, M. Sefrioui, B. Stoufflet, J.A. Désidéri, N. Marco, Evolutionary Computational Methods for Complex Design in Aerodynamics, 36th AIAA Conference, Reno, AIAA - 980222
  • J. Périaux, M. Sefrioui, B. Mantel, Cooperative and Noncooperative Multiple Objective Optimization by means of Genetic Algorithms, Eurogen 97, Univ. Trieste, December 1997,
  • R. Glowinski, T.W. Pan, T.I. Hesla, D.D. Joseph, J. Périaux, a fictitious domain method with Distributed Lagrange multiplier for the Numerical Simulation of Particulate Flow, in Contemporary Mathematics vol. 218,1998, pp 121-137
  • J.W. He, R. Glowinski, R. Metacalfe and J. Periaux, a numerical approach to the control and stabilization of advection-diffusion systems : application to viscous drag reduction - IJCFD, Vol 11, pp.131-156.
  • J. Périaux, J.L. Lions and H.Q. Chen, Decentralized Nash/GAs Optimization Strategies for the Solution of Multi-criteria Inverse Fluid Dynamics Problems, Proceedings of the CEDYAP Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, G. Winter, Ed. Septemb. 21-24, 1999
  • C.H. Chen, J.L. Lions, J. Périaux, Virtual Control, Multi-criteria Equilibria and Domain Decomposition Methods via Genetic Algorithms, C.R.A.S. Paris, to appear.
  • R. Glowinski, T.W. Pan, T.I. Hesla, D.D. Joseph, J. Periaux, A distributed Lagrange multiplier/fictitious domain method for the simulation of flow around moving rigid bodies : application to particulate flow, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 184, (2000) pp.241-267
  • J. Periaux and H.Q. Chen, Decentralized optimization using Nash Gas applied to parallel CFD problems, in ECCOMAS 2000 proceedings, Barcelona, September 11-14, 2000, to appear
  • R. Glowinski, T.W. Pan, T.I. Hesla, D.D. Joseph, J. Periaux, A distributed Lagrange multiplier/fictitious domain method for the simulation of flow around moving rigid bodies : appliction to particulate flow, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 184, (2000), pp 241-267
  • H.Q. Chen, J. Periaux, A. Ecer, Domaine Decomposition Methods Using GAs and Game Theory for the Parallel Solution of CFD problems, in Proceedings of Parallel CFD 2001 Conference, Trends and Applications : C.B. Jenssen, T. Kvamsdal, H.I. Andersson, B. Pettersen, A. Ecer, J. Periaux, N. Satofuka, P. Fox, Eds, Trondheim, May 2000, pp 341-348
  • J. Periaux, B. Mantel and HQ Chen, Coupling least-squares and Genetic Algorithms for solving transonic flow problems, in Survey on Mathematics for Industry, H. Engl, Chief Editor, (2000),Vol.9, pp 159-166
  • S. Peigin, B.Mantel, J.Periaux S.Timchenko, A.Borodin M. Sefrioui, Application of a Genetic Algorithm to a heat flux optimization problem, in Surv. Math. Ind. Journal (2000) 9 : pp.235-245
  • J-W. he, R. Glowinski, R.Metcalfe, A. Nordlander and J.Periaux, Active Control and Drag Optimization for Flow Past a Circular Cylinder, in JCP 163,p.p.83 -117 (2000)
  • J-F. Wang and J.Periaux, Search Space Decomposition of Nash/Stackelberg Games using Gas for Multi-Point Design Optimization in Aerodynamics, Proceedings of the 13th DDM Conference, Lyon, France, 2000, to appear
  • J.Periaux, H.Q.Chen, B. Mantel, M.Sefrioui,and H.T.Sui, Combining Game Theory and genetic Algorithms with Application to DDM-Nozzle Optimization Problems, in Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 37 (2001), Elsevier, pp417-429
  • E.J. Whitney, M.Sefrioui, K. Srinivas and J.Periaux, Advanced in hierarchical parallel genetic algorithms for aerodynamic shape optimization, AFI - 2001 Proceedings, The first International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, October 2001, Sendai, Japan, to appear in the International Journal of JSME.
  • J. F. Wang, E. Whitney, J. Periaux, M. Sefrioui and K.Srinivas,Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Aerospace Engineering, Proceedings of the 15th Toyota Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 2001, to appear in ELSEVIER's Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
  • J.F. Wang, J.Periaux and P.Thomas, Parallel Hierarchical Nash/Gas for lift optimization problems, EUROGEN2001 Conference, September 19-21, 2001, to appear
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