O.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Dr.h.c. Herbert A. Mang, Ph.D.
Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Strength of Materials
Karlsplatz 13, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: ++43-1-58801-20210, Fax: ++43-1-58801-20299, email: Herbert.Mang@tuwien.ac.at
Scientific Activities:
- more than 300 scientific works including 8 books
- almost 300 oral presentations comprising 150 "invited lectures" including "keynote lectures" and "plenary lectures", respectively, at congresses, conferences and symposia, and more than 100 "guest lectures" at universities and academies of sciences
- chairman of habilitation committees for 3 members of the Institute, participation in numerous habilitation committees in Austria and abroad
- referee (co-referee) of 21 (14) doctoral dissertations
- leader of more than 30 sponsored research projects
- co-organizer of 6 international conferences including 2 IUTAM/IACM symposia
- co-chairman designate of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, in Vienna, Austria, July 7-12, 2002
- co-editor of 2, (past) member of the editorial board of (2) 24 scientific journals
- Vice-President of IACM
- Member of numerous committees of international scientific associations, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and Vienna University of Technology
- Participation in external evaluations of research in the area of Civil Engineering at the Dutch and British Universities, respectively
Scientific Acknowledgements:
- Cardinal Innitzer-Advancement Prize
- Theodor Körner-Advancement Prize
- Advancement Prize of the City of Vienna
- Prize of the Chamber of Commerce of Vienna for Technical Sciences
- Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers
- Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Fellow of the Texas Tech University Civil Engineering Academy
- Member of the Viennese Catholic Academy
- Member of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Wilhelm Exner-Medal
- Distinguished Engineer of the College of Engineering of Texas Tech University
- Honorary Member of the Polish Association for Computational Mechanics
- Certificate of Appreciation by the 2nd Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics
- Member of the Slovak Academy of Engineering Sciences
- Fellow of the International Association for Computational Mechanics
- Dr.h.c. of Cracow University of Technology
- Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Fellow of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
- Great Badge of Honor of the State of Styria, Austria
- Austrian Badge of Honor for Science and Art
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