In cooperation with Universitat
de les Illes Balears (UIB)

J. Periaux

PERIAUX, Jacques
Born: In Le Perreux, April 15, 1942
Familial Situation:Married, father of four


  1. DEA Mécanique des Solides, Université de Paris 6, 1965
  2. DEA Analyse Numérique, Université de Paris 6, 1967
  3. PhD, Spécialité Analyse Numérique, (under the supervision of Pr. R. Glowinski), Université de Paris 6, 1979.
  4. Habilitation, Spécialité : Mathématiques, Mention : Analyse Numérique (President of the Jury, Pr. J.L. Lions).

Fields of Interest

  1. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
  2. Finite Element Approximations for 3-D Computational Fluid Dynamics
  3. Aerodynamic shape design of aircraft in Aerospace Engineering
  4. Aero thermal shape design of space vehicles in Aerospace Engineering
  5. Domain Decomposition on massively parallel architectures
  6. Mesh adaptation with a posteriori errors estimates
  7. Fictitious domains methods and fast direct and iterative solvers
  8. High Frequency Computational Electromagnetism
  9. Optimization and Exact Controllability Methods
  10. Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms


1970-1978: Engineer at Dassault Aviation, Département Aérodynbamique Théorique
1978-1990: Senior Engineer at Dassault, Head of Numerical Analysis Group
1986-1997: Dipl.-Ing. (Civil Engineering), Vienna University of Technology
1986: Numerical Analysis R& D program leader for the design of the European Hermes Space Shuttle, Dassault Aviation
1990-1995: Leader of the Numerical Analysis Group, Dassault Aviation
1993-1996: Visiting Professor, Univ. of Jyvaskyla, Finland
1994-: Adjunct Professor, Univ. of Houston, USA
1995-1997: Scientific Adviser, Computational Applied Mathematics, Assistant Director,
Scientific Strategy & Prospective, Dassault Aviation
1997-: Director - Direction de la Prospective
1998-: Chairman of the Scientific Pole Dassautl-Aviation / University Pierre et Marie Curie
1998-: Conseiller Scientifique INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France


IMA Fellow, 1986
Honorary Degree : Doctor Honoris Causa, NUAA, Nanjing, People's Republic of China, 1989
CNRS National Committee member on Mathematics, 1991 - 1995
AIAA Associate Fellow, 1992
Prix Science et Défense, 1993
Palmes Académiques, 1996
Honorary Degree: Doctor Honoris Causa , Beijing, BUAA, P.R. of China, 1998

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