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List of Accepted Papers

Thirst Pavilion for International Expo “Water and Sustainable Development” Performed in Zaragoza in the Summer of 2008
G.Capellán, S.Guerra, J. M.Lastra

"One Click" Cost Estimation Tool for Form Active Structures
R.Wehdorn-Roithmayr, K.Nikolai

A New Model for Bending-Wrinkling Analysis of Membrane Inflated Beam
C.Wang, H.F.Tan, Z.Wan, H.Baier

A Partitioned Solution Procedure for Interaction between Fluid Flow and Membrane Structures
W.G.Dettmer, D.Peric, M.M.Joosten

A Sliding-Cable Super-Element
R.M.Pauletti, C.B.Martins

A Study on Membrane Façades Mitigating Detonation Effects
Ch.Roller, Chr.Mayrhofer, W.Riedel

Advances in Strongly-Coupled Analysis of Wind-Induced Vibrations of Membranes
A.Zilian, S.Reinstädler

Advances on Rotation-Free Shell Element Technology for Fluid Structure Interaction
P.-AUbach, E.Oñate

Ajustable Membrane Mould
P.Schinkel, A.Pronk, I.Van Rooy

Ambiguous Chairs Cast in Fabric Formed Concrete

Analysis and Design of a Leaf-Like Inflatable Membrane Structure
T.Akita, R.Mori

Analysis of Stresses and Wrinkles in a Parachute Skirt Model using "Wrinkle Fields"
Y.Ofir, D.Givoli, A.Libai

Application of the Tensegrity Principles on Tensile Textile Constructions
D.Peña, J.Llorens, R.Sastre

Aspects of Nonlinear Analysis for Inflatable Membranes Coupled with Enclosed Fluids
A.Jarasjarungkiat, R.Wüchner, K.-U.Bletzinger

Belts used for Membrane Structures
F.Weininger, C.Knoll, R.Wagner

Biaxial Tensile Testing and Non-Linear Modelling of PVC-Coated Polyester Fabrics for use in Tensairity Girders
C.Galliot, R.H.Luchsinger

Bioinspired Self Repairing Membranes for Pneumatic Structures
M. Rampf, R.H.Luchsinger, O.Speck, T.Speck, E.Mazza

Biological Architecture. Living Membranes

Biologically inspired Fibre-Based Materials
T.Stegmaier, H.Plank

Calculation of a Deformable Membrane Airfoil in Hovering Flight
D.M.S.Albuquerque, J.M.C.Pereira, J.C.F.Pereira

Computational Analysis of Wind-Excited Membrane Structures
R.Wüchner, T.Gallinger, A.Kupzok, K.-U.Bletzinger

Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction for Wind Energy Applications
Y.Bazilevs, M.Hsu, D.Benson, T.Tezduyar

Cool Shade Tents

Creative Formfinding for Inflatable and Pressure Stabilized Structures for Space Habitats

Cultural High Winds: Inflatable Sculptures by AKAirways at Burning Man from 2002 to 2008

Design, Analysis and Test Research on Double Layer Membrane Marsh Gas Stores with constant pressure
Y.L.He, W.J.Chen

Development of a New Membrane moving Structure for a Convertible Big Roof of Baseball-Stadium Scale
T.Masujima, I.Ario, N.Harada, M.Tagawa, S.Hasegawa, H.Tagawa, F.Ueda, T.Ogahara

Development of Maternity Supportive Undergarment

Diaphragm Mechanism for Shape Control of Multi-Cellular Inflatable Panel
K.Ishimura, N.Katayama, K.Higuchi, D.Inman

Effect of Corona Discharge on Crease Recovery Angle of Cotton Fabrics
M.Mirjalili , P.Valipoor, A.Mirafzal

Effective Mechanical Properties of Technical Textile via Asymptotic Homogenization
J.Orlik, A.Nam, H.Andrae, O.Iliev

Efficient Algorithms for Fluid-Structure Interaction
M.von Scheven, E.Ramm, M.Bischoff

Environmental Profile of Lightweight Roof Structures
A.Campioli, C.Monticelli, A.Zanelli

Equilibrium Shapes of Inflated Elastic Membranes
R.Barsotti, S.S.Ligarò

Evolutionary Optimization of Fabric Formed Structural Elements
D.Veenendaal, J.L.Coenders

Fabric-Formed Concrete Structures and Architecture
M.West, R.Araya

Finite Element Technology for Analysis of Textile Membranes and Inflatable Structure

Fluid-Shell Coupled Simulation of Supersonic Flexible Decelerators
F.Cirak, C.Pantano

Fluvial Bank Pergolas for International Expo “Water and Sustainable Development” Performed in Zaragoza in the Summer of 2008
S.Guerra, G.Capellán, J. M.Lastra

Folding Mechanisms for Deployable Tensairity Structures
L.De Laet, M.Mollaert, R.H.Luchsinger, N.De Temmerman, T.Van Mele, L.Guldentops

Formfinding and Automated Cutting Pattern Determination for Complex Pneumatic Structures
L.Gründig, D.Ströbel, P.Singer

Fracture of Membranes Simulated by Discrete Elements

Greenhouse Structures
L.Fiore, V.Bornisacci, M.Pirolli

High-Pressure Membranes for Fluid Components Made of Non Conventional Material.
D.Sýkora, M.Jalova, M.Jalovy, V.Andrlik, M.Ruzicka

Inflatable Kites with Tensairity
J.C.M.Breuer, R.H.Luchsinger

Inflatable Membrane Structures in Architecture and Aerospace – Some Recent Projects

Inflatables for the Arts: The "Luft & Laune" Experience

Integration and Balance: Searching for Shapes
J.C.Gómez de Cózar, R.Benítez Bodes, S.Bermejo Oroz

Large Airplane Hangar Built with Low Pressure Inflatable Tubes
J.Marcipar, M.Salina

Large Deformation Analysis of Compression-Free Membrane Structures
K.Ijima, H.Obiya

Large Membrane Space Reflectors
H. Baier, L.Datashvili, J.Hoffmann, T.Kuhn

Lights in the Sky: Membrane Structures for Art in Space
M.CBernasconi, A.RWoods

Membrane Restrained Arches
H.Alpermann, C.Gengnagel

Membranes Structures for Solar Thermal Power Generation
M.Pedretti, A.Pedretti

Modeling of Inflatable Dams Partially Filled with Fluid and Gas Considering Large Deformations and Stability
A.Maurer, M.Haßler, K.Schweizerhof

Morphological Considerations in the Selection of Primary Structures for Expandable Space Habitats

Multifunctionality of Membranes

New Elastic Phenomenological Material Law for Textile Composite
D.Hegyi, I.Sajtos

Numerical and Experimental Study on Torsion Property of Inflatable Booms
G.C.Lin, J.Z.Wei, H.F.Tan, X.DHe, H.Baier

Numerical Computation of the Deployment of a Folded Inflatable Tube
T.T.Nguyen, A.Le van

Numerical Simulation and Design of Membrane Structures
K.-U.Bletzinger, J.Linhard, R.Wüchner

On the Use of a Strength of Material Theory for Bended Inflatable Cones
J.-C.Thomas, C.Wielgosz

Pneumatic Formwork for Concrete and Ice Shells
S.Dallinger, J.Kollegger

Printing Inflatable Elements of an Adaptable Building Skin.
B.Sommer, N.Palz

Project Report "Schloss Dresden"; ETFE-foil meets Historical Building

Recent Progress in the R&D of Tensairity

Rhino-Membrane in Real Modelling Problems

Semi-Rigid Modular Inflated Structures
R.Tarczewski, W.Bober

Shape Control of Wrinkled Membranes
A.Bonin, K.A.Seffen

Shape Optimization of Stiffened Plate Girders via the Configurational Forces Method
S.S.Ligarò, R.Barsotti

Simulation of Elastic Membranes Using a Triangular Rotation-Free Thin Shell Element
F.Flores, E.Oñate

Structural Detailing of Textile Membrane Edges with Regard to Material


Structural Membranes for Wide Span Roofs and Facades of Actual Stadia Projects
K.Göppert, L.Haspel

Structural Membranes Pathology

Study of the Buckling Behavior of Compression Elements in Tensairity
L.P.Gauthier, T.E.Wever, R.H.Luchsinger

Symmetry-Breaking Analysis of the Fullerene Dome Structures Using Block-Diagonalization Method

Systematic Compilation of Material Data for Lightweight Structures
F.Mielert, W.Haase, T.Klaus, S.Neuhäuser, W.Sobek

Systematic Development of Adaptive Multi-Layer Textile Building Envelopes
W.Haase, T.Klaus, F.Mielert, S.Neuhäuser, W.Sobek

Tests of ETFE-Foils under Biaxial Stresses
L.Schiemann, S.Hinz, M.Stephani

Textile Membranes for Environmental Technologies
K.Heinlein, F.Weininger, R.Wagner

The Accurate Geometric Nonlinear Calculation of Orthotropic Membranes
M.Karwath, R.Wagner, B.Kröplin

The Dense Net Constitutive Model for Textile Fabric - Parameters Identification Problems

The Natural Force Density Method for the Shape Finding of Membrane Structures
R.M.Pauletti, P.M.Pimenta

Time-Temperature-Shift (TTS) of ETFE-Foils

Towards a virtual design methodology for Lightweight Structures considering transient wind effects
A.Michalski, E.Haug, R.Wüchner, K.-U.Bletzinger

Transverse Vibration of Electrorheological Orthotropic Sandwich Beam
M.Nezami, M.Shabanimotlagh, S.M.Hasheminejad

Using Haptic Devices in the Conceptual Design of Tensile Membrane Structures
J.Sanchez, J.Savall

Vacuumatics 3D-Formwork Systems: Customised Free-Form Solidification
F.Huijben, F.van Herwijnen, R.Nijsse

Verification of Design of Structural Membranes via Measurement
P.Fajman, M.Polak

Water as a Sound Insulation in a Membrane Structure
A.Pronk, R.Maffei, H.Martin

Water as a Structural Element in Membrane Structures
A.Pronk, R.Maffei, H.Martin

Wind-induced Structural Dynamic Response Analysis for an Asymmetry Cut-corner Square Geiger Cable Dome Membrane Structure
W.J.Chen, Y.L.He, L.M.Zhang

Wire Mesh Rigidized Inflatable Tube Structures for Demoiselle Cubesat

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