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Number of visits: 109412


Tuesday, June 26th

08:00 - 09:00

09:00 - 09:20
Opening Ceremony
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
09:20 - 11:00
Fabrication,integration and packaging TuM1
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Robert Plana
(INVITED) RF-MEMS Technology Platforms in Europe
H. Tilmans

Mechanical and Electrical Characterization of Benzocyclobutene Membrane Packaging
S. Seok, N. Rolland, P.A. Rolland

Co-integration of Highly Tunable MEMS Capacitor and High Quality Factor AlSi Inductors
A. Mehdaoui, C. Fillit, D. Tsamados, R.Y. Fillit, C. Billard, P. Ancey, A.M. Ionescu

GaAs Membrane-supported 60 GHz Receiver with Yagi-Uda Antenna
D Neculoiu, G Konstantinidis, T Vähä-Heikkilä, A Müller, D Vasilache, A Stavinidris, L Bary, M Dragoman, I Petrini, C Buiculescu, Z Hazoupulos, N Kornilios, P Pursula, R Plana, D Dascalu

11:00 - 11:20

11:20 - 13:00
MEMS switch and switch applications TuM2
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Flavio Giacomozzi
CoChair: Alexandru Muller
Deep-reactive-ion-etched 3D Transmission Lines with Integrated Mechanically Multi-stable SPST and SPDT RF MEMS Switches
M. Sterner, N. Roxhed, G. Stemme, J. Oberhammer

RF-MEMS Switch for W-Band Applications.
A. Stehle, V. Ziegler, B. Schönlinner, U. Prechtel, H. Seidel, U. Schmid

RF MEMS Matrices for Space Applications
S. Catoni, S. Di Nardo, P. Farinelli, F. Giacomozzi, G. Mannocchi, R. Marcelli, B. Margesin, P. Mezzanotte, V. Mulloni, D. Pochesci, R. Sorrentino, F. Vitulli, L. Vietzorreck

An Improved Reliability Switching Network Design based on DC Contact MEMS Switches dedicated to Swithing Matrix Applications
M. El Khatib, A. Pothier, A. Crunteanu, O. Vendier, J.L. Cazaux, P. Blondy

A Novel Structure of RF MEMS Capacitive Series Switch for Avoiding Power Induced Stiction
JD Martinez, P Blondy, A Pothier, D Bouyge, A Crunteanu, M Chatras

13:00 - 14:20

14:20 - 15:20
BAW,FBAR and applications TuA1
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Harrie Tilmans
(INVITED) BAW Technologies: Overview for Wireless Communication Systems and Potential Impact on the Next RF Architectures
E. Kerherve, A. Shirakawa, A. Volatier, P. Ancey

FBAR Overtone–based Oscillators using 90 nm CMOS
M. ElBarkouky, P. Wambacq, Y. Rolain

15:20 - 16:20
Interactive poster Session (I) TuA2
Room: Auditorium
Chair: David Girbau
MEMS Reconfigurable Inset-Fed Patch Antenna Inherently Matched Over a Wide Frequency Range
P. Arcioni, L. Perregrini, G. Conciauro

Pyramidal Circularly Polarized Antenna with RF-MEMS Switches for Frequency Flexibility
S. Hebib, H. Aubert, O. Pascal, N. J.G. Fonseca, L. Ries, J.M. E.López

Design and Realization of a MEMS-tuned Reflectarray on LTCC Substrate
J. Perruisseau-Carrier, H. Legay, J. Lenkkeri, J-P. Polizzi, E. Jung, A.K. Skrivervik

MEMS Reconfigurable Patch Antenna Analysis Using WIPL-D
C. Medeiros, J. Costa, C. Fernandes, B. Kolundzija

A Dual-Gap Tunable RF MEMS Capacitor for Reflectarray Applications
G. Lissorgues, F. Flourens, A. Phommahaxay, F. Marty, L. Rousseau, C. Papon, P. Nicole, T. Dousset

Modified Ladder-type BAW Filter for an Out-of-band Rejection Improvement
J. Verdú, O. Menéndez, P. de Paco

Integrated Transformers for RF Applications. Analysis of the Width of Tracks
Y. Sanchez, A. Beriain, I. Cendoya, I. Sancho, J. Melendez, I. Gutierrez

Design and Characterization of a Bulk-acoustic-resonator (FBAR)
H. Campanella, A. Uranga, P. Nouet, N. Barniol, L. Terés, J. Esteve

Epitaxial AlN Thin Films for RF Applications
J.C. Moreno, F. Semond, E. Frayssinet, J. Massies, R. Vélard, X. Gagnard

Planar Spiral Inductors with MEMS Technology
E.U. Temocin, H.I. Atasoy, M. Unlu, K. Topalli, I. Istanbulluoglu, O. Bayraktar, S. Demir, O.A. Civi, S. Koc, T. Akin

Microfabrication of High Frequency Coaxial Cable using SU8 Photoresist
ML Ke, Y Wang, JF Zhou, K Jiang, MJ Lancaster

Dimensioning of Electromagnetic Couplers for 0-level Packaged Microwave Power Limiters based on Electron Emitter Array
A. Phommahaxay, G. Lissorgues, L. Rousseau, T. Bourouina, P. Nicole

16:00 - 16:20

16:20 - 18:20
MEMS reconfigurable antennas TuA3
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Anders Rydberg
CoChair: Luis Jofre
(INVITED) MEMS Reconfigurable Antennas
A. Skrivervik, J. Perruisseau-Carrier

(INVITED)Towards Multifunctional MEMS-pixeled Antennas
F. De Flaviis, A. Grau, M. Lee, C.W. Jung, J. Romeu, G.P. Li, L. Jofre

Design and Realization of a MEMS Tuneable Reflectarray for Mm-wave Imaging Application
B. Mencagli, P. Farinelli, L. Marcaccioli, R. Vincenti Gatti, B. Margesin, F. Giacomozzi, R. Sorrentino

Monolithically Integrated MEMS Phased Array
K. Topalli, O. Aydin Civi, S. Demir, S. Koc, T. Akin

20:00 - 22:00
Memswave Conference Social Dinner

Wednesday, June 27th

09:00 - 10:20
MEMS resonators WeM1
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Volker Ziegler
Vibrating RF MEMS - Oscillators and Beyond
J.R. Clark, W. Hsu

RF NEMS- Carbon-Nanotube Based Nanoelectromechanical Systems for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Applications
M Dragoman, A Cismaru, A.A Muller, D Dragoman, H Hartnagel, R Plana

Tuning Beam Electromechanical Resonators
F. Casset, C. Durand, P. Ancey, M. Aïd, L. Buchaillot

Towards a Tunable VHF Fully Integrated MEMS- MIXLER
A. Uranga, J. Verd, J.L López, J. Teva, G. Abadal, F. Torres, J. Esteve, F. Pérez-Murano, N. Barniol

10:20 - 10:40

10:40 - 12:00
MEMS reconfigurable circuits (I).Focused on filters WeM2
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Roberto Sorrentino
CoChair: Fabio Coccetti
Design of a 2-Pole Digitally Tunable RF MEMS Filter Based on a Hybrid Simulation Approach
M. Houssini, A. Pothier, p. Blondy, A. Crunteanu, P. Tristant

Tunable Bandstop MEMS Filters for Ka and V-band Applications
A. Takacs, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Muller, P. Pons, L. Bary, P. Calmon, R. Plana, H. Aubert

Novell Micromachined Lumped Element Bandpass Filter with an Additional Zero in the Bandstop, for WLAN 5200 Applications
A.A Muller, D Neculoiu, D Vasilache, A Cismaru, P Pons, R Plana, L Bary, A Muller

Mechanically Tunable RF Filters: from a MEMS Perspective
W. Yan, R. Mansour

12:00 - 13:00
MEMS reconfigurable circuits (II) WeM3
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Roberto Sorrentino
CoChair: Fabio Coccetti
MEMS Switches with Stepped Pull-Down Voltage for Tunable Phase Shifters
P. Farinelli, V. Leus, A. Ocera, B. Margesin, D. Elata, R. Sorrentino

RF-MEMS based 2-bit Reflective Phase Shifter at X-Band for Reconfigurable Reflect-array Antennas
C. Siegel, V. Ziegler, B. Schönlinner, U. Prechtel, H. Schumacher

Double Stub and Triple Stub RF MEMS Impedance Tuners
M Unlu, H.I. Atasoy, S. Demir, O.A. Civi, S. Koc, T. Akin

13:00 - 14:20

14:20 - 15:00
RF MEMS modeling, simulation and reliability WeA1
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Tauno Vähä-Heikkilä
Charging Processes in RF-MEMS Capacitive Switches with SiO2 Dielectric
G Papaioannou, F Giacomozzi, E Papandreou, B Margesin

Dielectric Material Charging and ESD stress of AlN-based Capacitive RF MEMS
J. Ruan, N. Nolhier, M. Bafleur, L. Bary, N. Mauran, F. Coccetti, T. Lisec, R. Plana

15:00 - 16:00
Interactive Poster Session (II) WeA2
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Ignacio Llamas
Series and Shunt RF MEMS Switches with Dielectric Membrane for WPAN Ad Hoc Networks
A. Boé, M. Fryziel, N. Deparis, C. Loyez, L. Le Garrec, N. Rolland, P.-A Rolland

A Design For 24GHz SPDT Using A Single RF MEMS Switch Based On A Totally Free Flexible Membrane.
R. Robin, L. Le Garrec, K. Segueni, O. Millet, L. Buchaillot

RF-MEMS Manufacturing Process on GaAs Substrate Fully Compatible with MMICs.
F. Cherubini, P. Farinelli, A. Ocera, S. Lavanga, L. Venturelli, C. Lanzieri, A. Cetronio, R. Sorrentino

Novel Compact MEMS-Tunable Directional Coupler for Dual Band Wireless Applications
A. Ocera, P. Farinelli, F. Cherubini, P. Mezzanotte, R. Sorrentino, B. Margesin, F. Giacomozzi

Design and Fabrication of RF MEMS Shunt Switches with High Isolation
X.L. Evans, N. Mitchell, P.V. Rainey, H.S. Gamble, N.B. Buchanan, V.F. Fusco

Novel Microstrip Distributed RF MEMS Phase Shifters for Phased Array Applications
V Janardhana, S Pamidighantam, RG Kulkarni, JS Roy

Microwave Narrowband Filters using Single and Stacked Coaxial Lines
A Jaimes-Vera , I Llamas-Garro , A Corona-Chavez , I Zaldivar-Huerta

Distibuted Parametric Simulation of Complex Electromagnetic Structures in Grid Computing Environment
F. Khalil, H. Aubert, F. Coccetti, R. Plana, T. Vähä-Heikkilä, T. Lisec

Reduction of sticking effect in micro-switch by restoring force enhancement

AFM Analysis of Dielectric Charging for MEMS Capacitive Switches Reliability
M. Lamhamdi, A. Belarni, P. Pons, L. Boudou, J. Guastavino, Y. Segui, M. Dilhan, R. Plana

Electrothermally-actuated RF-MEMS devices manufactured on a low-resistivity substrate
D. Girbau, Ll. Pradell, M.A. Llamas, A. Lázaro, A. Nebot

Effect of Contact Force between Rough Surfaces on Real Contact Area and Electrical Contact Resistance
D. Peyrou, F. Pennec, H. Achkar, P. Pons, R. Plana

15:40 - 16:00

16:00 - 18:10
RF MEMS Prospective WeA3
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Jérémie Bouchaud
RF MEMS Roadmap
J. Bouchaud, B. Knoblich, H. Tilmans, F. Coccetti, A. El-Fatatry

16:20 - 18:10
Panel Session:
"RFMEMS:enabled future applications"
Moderator: J.Bouchaud (WTC)
Participants: G. Fischer(Alcatel-Lucent),
V. Ziegler (EADS),H. J. de los Santos (NanoMEMS),
F. Casset (STm), J. Muntanyà (Baolab)

18:10 - 18:30