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16/10/2008    10:30 - 12:30
Modeling in Papermaking
Invited Session organized by Jouni Freund, Reijo Kouhia, Jari Hämäläinen
Room: EL2
Chair: Jouni Freund
CoChair: Reijo Kouhia
and Jari Hämäläinen
Modelling Processes Involving Complex Flows
M. Kataja, V. Koivu, K. Mattila
Keynote Lecture

Finite Strain Plasticity for Describing Fiber-Based Materials
A. Ask, M. Ristinmaa

Modeling of Fiber Suspension Flows in Papermaking Processes by Combining Non-Newtonian Fluid Dunamics and Turbulence
J. Huhtanen

Flow Velocity Measurements in a Fiber Suspension Flow: the Formation of a Fiber Network
F. Lundell, G. Bellani, L.D. Söderberg

Modelling of Fibre Orientation in a Paper Machine Headbox Geometry
H.M. Niskanen, J. Hämäläinen

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