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Number of visits: 88614

Wednesday, October 15th

18:00 - 20:00
Pre Registration

Thursday, October 16th

08:00 - 12:30

08:15 - 08:30
Welcome and Opening address

08:30 - 10:00
Room: EL5
Chair: Trond Kvamsdal
CoChair: Jouni Freund
Forty Years of Programming the Finite Element Method. A Personal View
K. Bell

CFD-Based Optimization Tools for Papermaking
J. Hämäläinen

10:00 - 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
FEM-Software I (In honour of Professor Kolbein Bell)
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Kjell Magne Mathisen
Room: EL5
Chair: Kjell Magne Mathisen
Finite Element Software Design and Development
A.C. Damhaug
Keynote Lecture

Development of Advanced Software based on Kolbein Bells Work
T. Holmas

Development of the Link Program Software
K. Holthe, E. Berg, B. Skallerud

Best Engineering Practice in Design of Offshore and Ship Structures
K. Aamnes, O.C. Astrup

3-D Visualization and Communication Solutions for CAE Workflows
T.H. Hansen, A. Sager, S.I. Dale, K. Aamnes

Solid Mechanics I ThM03
Room: EL6
Chair: Zhiliang Zhang
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Study on the Nanoindentation Process of Hydrated Nacre
J. Zhao, Z.L. Zhang

Atomistic Simulations of Thermophoretic Motion of Water Nanodroplets in Carbon Nanotubes
H. Zambrano-Rodriguez, J. Walther, P. Koumoutsakos, I. Sbalzarini

Numerical simulations of TiB2 mechanical properties degradation by liquid Al infiltration
M. Pezzotta, Z.L. Zhang

Towards Computational Modeling of Grain Size Dependence in Microstructure Models of Polycrystals
S. Bargmann, M. Ekh, K. Runesson, B. Svendsen

Nanomechanics of Micron Sized Polymer Particles
J.Y. He, Z.L. Zhang, H. Kristiansen

A Constitutive Model for Thermoplastics in Structural Applications
M. Polanco-Loria, A.H. Clausen, T. Berstad, O.S. Hopperstad

Modeling in Papermaking
Invited Session organized by Jouni Freund, Reijo Kouhia, Jari Hämäläinen
Room: EL2
Chair: Jouni Freund
CoChair: Reijo Kouhia
and Jari Hämäläinen
Modelling Processes Involving Complex Flows
M. Kataja, V. Koivu, K. Mattila
Keynote Lecture

Finite Strain Plasticity for Describing Fiber-Based Materials
A. Ask, M. Ristinmaa

Modeling of Fiber Suspension Flows in Papermaking Processes by Combining Non-Newtonian Fluid Dunamics and Turbulence
J. Huhtanen

Flow Velocity Measurements in a Fiber Suspension Flow: the Formation of a Fiber Network
F. Lundell, G. Bellani, L.D. Söderberg

Modelling of Fibre Orientation in a Paper Machine Headbox Geometry
H.M. Niskanen, J. Hämäläinen

12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break

13:30 - 15:30
FEM-Software II (In honour of Professor Kolbein Bell)
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Kjell Magne Mathisen
Room: EL5
Chair: Trond Kvamsdal
Trends in Computational Mechanics Software
H.P. Langtangen, A. Logg
Keynote Lecture

Finite Element and New Challenges – Precision in the Dark
G. Sandberg, J. Lindemann, K. Persson

An Overview of the FEniCS Project
A. Logg

Algorithms for Parallel and Adaptive Finite Element Simulations
K.M. Okstad, T. Kvamsdal, R. Holdahl, B. Hægland

Computational Structural Mechanics in Mathematica
G. Skeie

Solid Mechanics II ThA02
Room: EL6
Chair: Ragnar Larsson
3D Combined FEM-DEM Simulation OF Ridge Keel Punch through Tests
A. Polojärvi, J. Tuhkuri

Application of Layer-Wise Shell Elements to Laminated Glass
M. Fröling, K. Persson

Effect of Crack Tip Constraint on Ductile Crack Growth under Large Scale Yielding Conditions
J. Xu, Z.L. Zhang, E. Østby, B. Nyhus

Finite Element Modeling of a Spread fibre composite in a metal end termination for filament winding
H. Tyldum, N.P. Vedvik

Effect of Residual Stresses on Brittle Fracture by Cohesive Zone Modeling
X.B. Ren, Z.L. Zhang, B. Nyhus

Numerical Investigation of the Validity of the Homogeneous Strain Assumption for Wood Fibre Composite Materials
K. Stålne, P.J. Gustafsson

Computational Methodology ThA03
Room: EL2
Chair: Rolf Stenberg
Maximizing Opto-Elastic Interaction Using Topology Optimization
A.R. Gersborg, O. Sigmund

Boundary Integral Approach for some Problems in Linear Viscoelasticity
J. Kemppainen, K. Ruotsalainen

Energy-Preserving Methods and B-series
E. Celledoni, D. McLaren, R.I. McLachlan, B. Owren, G.R Quispel, W. Wright

Strong Discontinuity with Cam Clay under Large Deformations. I - Theory and Implementation
N. Katic, O. Hededal

On Numerical Modeling of Coupled Magnetoelastic Problem
A. Belahcen, K. Fonteyn, A. Hannukainen, R. Kouhia

Second Order Accurate, Stable and Mass Conserving Boundary Conditions for the Lattice Boltzmann Method
J. Verschaeve

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00
Multiscale Modeling
Invited Session organized by Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Room: EL5
Chair: Fredrik Larsson
CoChair: Kenneth Runesson
Adaptive Variational Multiscale Methods
M.G. Larson, A. Malqvist
Keynote Lecture

Homogenization and Shell theory for Modeling
M. Landervik, R. Larsson

A Multiscale Mixed Finite-Element Method for Vuggy and Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs
A.F. Gulbransen, V.L. Hauge, K.-A Lie

Multi-scale Plasticity Modeling: Continuum Plasticity Coupled to Discrete Dislocation Plasticity
M. Wallin, W.A. Curtin, M. Ristinmaa, A. Needleman

Computational Homogenization of Transient Heat Conduction
F. Su, F. Larsson, K. Runesson

Fluid Mechanics ThE02
Room: EL6
Chair: Bernhard Müller
Wave Impact on a Fixed Offshore Structure - An Industrial CFD Example
K.K. Heggernes

A Computational Approach to Analysis of a Fluid Flow and of Vibration of Solids Submerged in Liquids utilizing the Bézier Surfaces
J. Zapomel

Finite Element Analysis of Biot‘s Consolidation Model
J. Könnö, R. Stenberg

Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Human Phonation
M. Larsson, B. Müller

The Spalart-Allmaras Model Applied at Flow Over Different Contoured Ramp Configurations
K.R. Jakobsen, B. Pettersen, H.I. Andersson

A Finite Element Family for the Brinkman Problem
M. Juntunen, R. Stenberg

Structural Mechanics ThE06
Room: EL2
Chair: Gunnar Tibert
The Simplest Shell Element:Flat,Twisted or Curved?
A.H. Niemi

Modelling of a 3D Pipe System Containing both Straight and Curved Segments using Boundary Integral Equations Method
A. Søe-Knudsen

A Nonlinear Elastic Model Applied to Pipelay Operation in Ocean Engineering
N. Säfström, G. Jensen, T. Nguyen, T. Fossen

Dominant Balances at Dispersion Equations of Elastic Helical Springs
S.V. Sorokin

Durability Analysis of a Harvesting Vehicle based on Modal Superpositioning
A. Kristensen

Multimode Approach to Aerodynamic Stability of Slender Bridges
O. Øiseth, E. Strømmen, A. Rönnquist

18:00 - 18:30
NoACM General Meeting

20:00 - 23:00
Seminar Banquet Dinner

Friday, October 17th

08:30 - 10:00
Room: EL5
Chair: Erik Lund
CoChair: Göran Sandberg
CFD Methods for Wind Turbine Aerodynamics
N.N. Sørensen

Computational challenges for highly flexible space structures
G. Tibert

10:00 - 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
Material Modeling
Invited Session organized by Odd Sture Hopperstad
Room: EL5
Chair: Odd Sture Hopperstad
Mesh Dependence Issues in Damage and Fracture of Solid Materials
A. Benallal
Keynote Lecture

Atomistic Continuum Modeling OF Mono Layer Graphene Membranes
R. Larsson, K. Samadikhah

Effect of Heterogeneity in Shape Memory Alloys
J.S. Olsen, Z.L. Zhang, C. van der Eijk

Numerical Modelling of the Mechanical Behaviour of Dual-Phase Steels
V. Tarigopula, O.S. Hopperstad, M. Langseth, A.H. Clausen

Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Composite Laminates
Y.T. Obaidat, O. Dahlblom, S. Heyden

Wind Turbine Application
Invited Session organized by Erik Lund
Room: EL6
Chair: Erik Lund
The Collapse of a Large Laminated Composite Wind Turbine Blade with Multiple Local Buckling-Driven Delaminations
L. Overgaard, E. Lund
Keynote Lecture

Simulation of Floating Wind Turbine System
A. Knauer, R. Stenbro

Computational Modelling of Adaptive Composite Elements
J. Brauns, K. Rocens

Optimization of Geometrically Nonlinear Laminated Composite Shell Structures
L.S. Johansen, E. Lund

12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break

13:30 - 14:50
Trends in Computational Methods
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal
Room: EL5
Chair: Trond Kvamsdal
Error Control for the Coupled Identification-Simulation Problem
H. Johansson, F. Larsson, K. Runesson

Impact of Heterogeneous Computers on Computational Methods
T. Hagen, J. Seland

High Order Splitting Methods for Time-Dependent Domains
T. Bjøntegaard, E.M. Rønquist

Fast Tensor-Product Solvers for Partially Deformed Three-Dimensional Domains
T. Bjøntegaard, A. Kvarving, E.M Rønquist

Computational Biomechanics
Invited Session organized by Bjørn Skallerud, Leif Rune Hellevik
Room: EL6
Chair: Bjørn Skallerud
CoChair: Leif Rune Hellevik
CFD Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid flow in the Cranio-cervical Region
A.E. Løvgren, S. Linge, K.A. Mardal, V. Haughton, H.P. Langtangen

Patient-specific Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations in the Circle of Willis
O.C Myklebust, S. Hentschel, K.A. Mardal

Modeling and Simulations of Myocardial Deformation - Comparisons with Measurements
E. Remme

On the Biomechanical Analysis of Bruises
B. Skallerud, A. Winnem, L.L. Randeberg, L. Svaasand

15:00 - 15:15
Closing Remarks