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16/10/2008    13:30 - 15:30
Solid Mechanics II
Room: EL6
Chair: Ragnar Larsson
3D Combined FEM-DEM Simulation OF Ridge Keel Punch through Tests
A. Polojärvi, J. Tuhkuri

Application of Layer-Wise Shell Elements to Laminated Glass
M. Fröling, K. Persson

Effect of Crack Tip Constraint on Ductile Crack Growth under Large Scale Yielding Conditions
J. Xu, Z.L. Zhang, E. Østby, B. Nyhus

Finite Element Modeling of a Spread fibre composite in a metal end termination for filament winding
H. Tyldum, N.P. Vedvik

Effect of Residual Stresses on Brittle Fracture by Cohesive Zone Modeling
X.B. Ren, Z.L. Zhang, B. Nyhus

Numerical Investigation of the Validity of the Homogeneous Strain Assumption for Wood Fibre Composite Materials
K. Stålne, P.J. Gustafsson

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