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Number of visits: 143601

Tuesday, November 24

17:00 - 19:00

Wednesday, November 25

08:00 - 08:45

08:45 - 09:00
Conference Opening

09:00 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures I: P. Cleary, F. Darve, G. Yagawa and R. Owen
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Large Scale Simulation of Industrial, Engineering and Geophysical Flows using Particle Methods
P. W Cleary, M. Prakash, M. Sinnott and M. Rudman

Direct Numerical Simulations of Failure Modes in Granular Media by a DEM
F. Darve

A Particle-Based Finite Element Method and Its Accuracy Study
G. Yagawa

Computational Strategies for Particulate Media and Multi-Fracturing Solids – Including Some Coupled Field Phenomena
R. Owen, K. Han and Y.T. Feng

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:30
IS - Micromechanics of Granular Media Enlightened by Discrete Element Modelling (I)
Invited Session organized by Felix Darve and Franįois Nicot
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Effects of Internal Erosion on Mechanical Behaviour of Soils: a DEM Approach
L. Sibille and L. Scholtčs

Effect of Grain Shape on the Behaviour of Granular Materials in Biaxial Compression
C. Nouguier-Lehon

Micromechanics of Partially Saturated Granular Materials
L. Scholtčs, B. Chareyre and F.  Darve

Constitutive Relations of Dense Granulates with Friction and Adhesion from DEM
S. Luding

Volume Changes within Granular Materials in Relation to their Internal State
Y. Yunus, E. Vincens and B.  Cambou

Fluid and Material Flows I WeM02
Room: 2 - Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Particle Deposition in a Channel with Subsequent Bifurcations
M. Forman, J. Volavy and M. Jicha

Simulation of 2D and 3D Incompressible Fluid Flows via a Lattice–Boltzmann Model
D.R. Golbert, P.J. Blanco and R.A. Feijóo

Simulation of Surface Breaking Waves with the Particle Finite Element Method
J.A. Laurel-Castillo, E. Oņate, S. Cruz-Leon and M.A. Celigueta

A Fluid-like Model of Vibrated Granular Layers: Linear Stability, Kinks & Oscillons
J.  Goddard and A. Didwania

Comparison of Smoothed Particle Method and Particle Finite Element Method in Applied Granular Flow Problems
G. Gustafsson, J.C. Cante, P. Jonsén, R. Weyler and H-Å. Häggblad

Modeling the Wear Effect of a Particles Flow on the Hopper Surface
F. Mata, I.  Garrido and I. Hanafi

Geomechanics I WeM03
Room: 3 - Telensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Drying and Stability of a Granular Slope: Experimental and Numerical DEM Analysis
F. Gabrieli, S. Cola and F. Calvetti

Analysis of Stability of Earth Dams in Overtopping Scenarios with the Particle Finite Element Method
A. Larese, R. Rossi and E. Oņate

Assessment of Some Homogenization Techniques for Modeling the Mechanical Behavior of Granular Media using DEM
J.E. Alves, J.R. Gonzalez, C.E. Silva and N.O. Guevara

Modelling and Simulation of Excavation Problems with the Particle Finite Element Method
J.M. Carbonell, E. Oņate and B. Suárez

Application of the Discrete Element Method to Investigate Optimal Particle Size Distribution for Ultra-Compact Soils
E.S. Berney IV, H.P. Bell, J.F. Peters and J.R. Griffin

Simulation of Cavity Expansion on Granular Material using DEM
Y. Geng, H-S. Yu and G.R. McDowell

13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Time

14:30 - 16:30
IS - Micromechanics of Granular Media Enlightened by Discrete Element Modelling (II)
Invited Session organized by Felix Darve and Franįois Nicot
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Is the Critical State Critical?
A. Tordesillas, T.  Tshaikiwsky and D. Walker

Fundamental Quantitative Verification of Numerical Experiments by DEM
K. Suzuki

Micromechanics Study of Elastic Behaviour of Granular Materials
N.P. Kruyt

Micromechanical Interpretation of the Ratcheting Phenomenon in Granular Materials
F. Calvetti and C. di Prisco

Three Dimensional Discrete Elements Modeling of Undrained Montonic and Cyclic Response of Granular Media - Micromechanical Perspective
B. Ferdowsi, A. Soroush and R. Shafipour

Fluid and Material Flows II WeA02
Room: 2 - Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Multi-fluid Simulations with Non-diffusive Interfaces using a Specific SPH Model
N. Grenier, D. Le Touzé, A. Colagrossi and M. Antuono

Analysis of Burning and Melting of Objects in Fire Situations with the Particle FEM
J. Martí, E. Oņate and S.R. Idelsohn

Large Eddy Simulation of Particle-Laden Channel Flow: Subgrid Modeling in Particle Equation of Motion
J. Volavy and J.G. Kuerten

Multi-Fluid Flows with the Particle FFEM
M. Mier-Torrecilla, A. Geyer, S.R. Idelsohn and E. Oņate

Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics for Grain Scale Multi-Phase Fluid Simulations
D. Holmes, J.R. Williams and P. Tilke

Geomechanics II WeA03
Room: 3 - Telensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

A Computational Framework for Coupling a Non-Newtonian Lattice Boltzmann Model and Discrete Element Method in Three Dimensions
C.R. Leonardi, R. Owen and Y.T. Feng

Mesoscale Study of Permeability of Particulate Media using Lattice Boltzmann Method
A. Ghassemi and A. Pak

Investigation on the Stress-Strain Behaviour of Granular Materials with DEM
X. Li and H-S. Yu

Grain Scale Modelling for Localisation in Porous Sandstones
J. Kato, T. Crook and Y.T. Feng

Radial periodic Boundaries for Axi-Symmetric DEM Simulations: Development, Implementation and Validation
C. O‘Sullivan, L. Cui and D. Barreto

16:30 - 17:00

17:00 - 19:00
IS - Coupling of Discrete, Particle and Finite Element Methods
Invited Session organized by Peter Wriggers
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Homogenization of Granular Material Modeled by a Three-Dimensional Discrete Element Method
P. Wriggers and C. Wellmann

Dynamic DEM/FEM Coupling for Geomechanical Problems
C. Labra, J. Rojek and E. Oņate

A 3D Coupled Finite-Discrete Element Method for Modeling the Interaction of Granular Materials and Solid Structures
C. Wellmann and P. Wriggers

Particle Finite Element Method Applied to Granular Material Flow
J. Cante, J. Oliver, R. Weyler, M. Cafiero and C. Dávalos

Simulation of Magnetic Powder Structure by Coupled FEM-DEM Modeling
F. Tsumori and H. Kotera

Coupling of Movable Cellular Automata with Mesh Method
A.Y. Smolin and S.G. Psakhie

IS - Defects in Solids: Modelling Defects in Materials at Nanoscale
Invited Session organized by Anna Serra
Room: 2 - Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Dislocations Dynamics Simulations of Dislocation-Obstacle Interactions in FCC Materials
J. Marian, E. Martinez, H-J. Lee, B.D. Wirth and A. Arsenlis

Mobility of Self-Interstitial Defects in α-Fe Studied by Molecular Dynamic Simulation
N. Anento, A. Serra and Y.N. Osetsky

Atomic-Scale Modelling of Dislocation Interaction with Localised Obstacles
D.J. Bacon and Yu.N Osetsky

Atomic Level Interactions of Crystal Defects and Twin Boundaries in HCP Metals
A Serra and D.J. Bacon

Defect and Impurity Kinetics in α-Fe from First Principles
C.C. Fu

19:00 - 20:30
Welcome Reception

Thursday, November 26

09:00 - 10:30
Plenary Lectures II: E. Oņate, E. Ramm and H.J. Herrmann
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Advances in the Particle Finite Element Method for Multidisciplinary Problems in Engineering
E. Oņate and S.R. Idelsohn

Fragmentation of Cohesive Materials Modeled by Polygonal Discrete Elements
E. Ramm, B. Schneider and G.A. D‘Addetta

Simulating Particles in Fluids
H.J. Herrmann

10:30 - 10:50
Invited Paper: ECCOMAS Award for the Best PhD Thesis 2008
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Smoothed Variational Inequality Formulation of Dynamic Multibody Frictional Contact Problems
T. Koziara and N. Bicanic

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:30
IS - Fragmentation of Solids with DEM (I)
Invited Session organized by Ekkehard Ramm and Hans J. Herrmann
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Meso-Scale Modeling of Blast and Penetration Induced Fragmentation
G. Cusatis, A. Mencarelli and D. Pelessone

Role of Phase Interfaces during Pre-Critical Cracking of Particulate Materials
D. Asahina, E.N. Landis, P. Grassl and J.E. Bolander

Application of the Discrete Element Method to Quasibrittle Materials
B. Schneider, G.A. D‘Addetta and E. Ramm

Three-Dimensional Lattice Model for Coupling of Fracture and Flow
P. Grassl and J.E. Bolander

Ordering Effect of Kinetic Energy on Deformation and Fracture of Disordered Brittle Solids
S.V. Mastilovic

Fluid-Structure Interaction I ThM02
Room: 2 - Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Numerical Study on Interaction between Violent Wave and Structure Using SPH
H. Mutsuda, Y. Shimizu and Y. Doi

Advances in the Particle Finite Element Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction
P. Ryzhakov, R. Rossi, S.R. Idelsohn and E. Oņate

A Lagrangian Particle Finite Element Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
M. Cremonesi, A. Frangi and U. Perego

Underwater Implosion using FEM
K. Kamran, R. Rossi, S.R. Idelsohn and E. Oņate

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for a Two-dimensional Sloshing Problem
O.S. Shipilova, A. Bøckmann, G. Skeie and P.G. Bergan

Particle Methods in Industrial Processes ThM03
Room: 3 - Telensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Particle Transport Method for Simulation of Multicomponent Chromatography with an Implicit Isotherm
O.S. Shipilova and T. Sainio

A Particle Based Model to Simulate Plant Cells Dynamics
P. Van Liedekerke, B. Tijskens, P. Ghysels, G. Samaey, H. Ramon and D. Roose

Influence of Internal Structure on Metal Behavior under Uniform Pulse Loading
K.P. Zolnikov, N.A. Parfenov and S.G. Psakhie

Simulation of Plasma Flows Using PIC, DSMC and Fokker-Planck Methods
J. Neudorfer, S. Roller and C.-D Munz

Paint Particles Capturing in Automotive Coating Application; Simulation and Prototyping
H. Javaheri, H. Golab Bakhsh, H. Nazif and H. Basirat

13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Time

14:30 - 16:30
IS - Fragmentation of Solids with DEM (II)
Invited Session organized by Ekkehard Ramm and Hans J. Herrmann
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Failure of Granular Materials under Impact: Modeling and Multiscale Simulations
M.O. Steinhauser

Discrete Element Modelling of Rock Cutting
J. Rojek , E. Oņate, C. Labra, H. Kargl and J. Akerman

Particle Methods used to Model Cutting Processes including Heat Conduction
P. Eberhard, T. Gaugele and F. Fleissner

Modelling of Crushable Ballast Using an Extended Discrete Element Method
C. Ergenzinger, R. Seifried and P. Eberhard

Rolling and Ratcheting in Shear Bands
H.J. Herrmann

SPH Techniques in Fluid Dynamics ThA02
Room: 2 - Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Analysis of Bubble Pulsations of Underwater Explosions by the SPH Method
M.R. Afrasiabi and S. Mohammadi

Modeling of SPH Boundary Conditions using a Normal Flux Method
M. de Leffe, D. Le Touzé and B. Alessandrini

Accuracy Study of SPH Simulation of Viscous Flows
J.G. Coelho, T.F. Oliveira, A.C. Brasil, P.  Maruzewski and F. Avellan

Compressible Fluid and Solid Boundary Conditions Aspects of SPH
Y. Blacodon and J. Bohbot

SPH Simulations of Flow Around a Periodic Array of Cylinders Confined in a Channel
M. Ellero and N.A. Adams

Molecular Dynamics and Cellular Automata ThA03
Room: 3 - Telensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Simulating Entropy in a Closed Thermodynamic System using NetLogo and the Shelf Model
J. Olsen and J. Page

Stochastic Models of Gas Dynamics and Particle Methods
S.V. Bogomolov

Nanomechanical Modeling of Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate
M.Q. Chandler, J.F. Peters and D. Pelessone

Development of Movable Cellular Automaton Method for Simulation of Deformation and Fracture of Heterogeneous Elastoplastic Materials and Media
E.V. Shilko, A.Y. Smolin, S.V. Astafurov and S.G. Psakhie

16:30 - 17:00

17:00 - 19:00
IS - Fragmentation of Solids with DEM (III)
Invited Session organized by Ekkehard Ramm and Hans J. Herrmann
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Characterization of Micro- and Macro-Cracking in Brittle Heterogeneous Material
A. Delaplace, A. Tognevi and B. Bary

Computational Modelling of Multiple Fragmentation in Rock Masses with Application to Block Caving
J.M. Rance, M. Dutko and R. Owen

Is Fracture of Thin Brittle Sheets Different from 2D Fracture?
J.A. Aström

Mechanisms of Fragmentation in Ultrasound Assisted Impact Comminution
F.K. Wittel and H.J. Herrmann

Modelling and Simulation of the Drilling of Agglomerate Materials using the Discrete Element Method
M.L. Sawley, A. Schenkel and L. Binggeli

Particle Methods in Solid Mechanics ThE02
Room: 2 - Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Particle Packing Characteristics in Concrete Assessed by a DEM
H. He, Z. Guo, M. Stroeven, P. Stroeven and L.J. Sluys

Quasi-static and Dynamic Properties of Separable Continua based on Meshfree Lagrangian Particle Methods
T. Gaugele and P. Eberhard

Transient Analysis of an Isotropic Plate by Radial Basis Functions
C. Roque, A. Ferreira, A. Neves, C.  Soares and R. Jorge

A 3D Rigid Particle Model for Shear Transfer Analysis in Reinforced Concrete
N. Monteiro Azevedo, J.  Vieira de Lemos and J. Rocha de Almeida

Simulation and Analysis of Cyclic Constant Normal Stiffness Tests by the DEM
I. Weidlich, M. Achmus and M. Shimonishi

SPH for Nonlinear Elastic Modelling, without Matrix Inversion
E.B. Ismail and B.D. Reddy

Point-based, Meshless and Particle-based Methods ThE03
Room: 3 - Telensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Application of MPS in the Dynamic Analyzes of Elastic Structures
M. Robortella, K. Nishimoto and L-Y. Cheng

Multi-Resolution Technique in MPS Method
M. Tanaka and T. Masunaga

Multiresolution Reproducing Kernel Particle Methods Applied to Shock Detection
X. Nogueira, I. Colominas, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, F. Navarrina and M. Casteleiro

Finite Pointset Method (FPM): Meshfree Flow Solver with Applications to Elastoplastic Material Laws
J. Kuhnert

Computation of Multi-Material Interactions Using Material Point Method
D.Z. Zhang, X.  Ma and P.T. Giguere

Nodal Integration of Meshless Methods
W. Quak and A.H. van den Boogaard

20:30 - 23:00
Conference Banquet

Friday, November 27

09:00 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures III: Y.T. Feng, E. Koshizuka, J.R. Williams and J. Goddard
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Numerical Modelling of Multiphysics in Particle Systems
Y.T. Feng, K. Han and R. Owen

Real-time Simulation and Visualization in Fluid Dynamics
S. Koshizuka

Optimized Particle Methods on Multi-Core and GPGPU Machines
J.R. Williams, D. Holmes and P. Tilke

Simulation of Granular Mechanics: Microscope or Telescope?
J. Goddard

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:30
High Performance Computing and Optimization FrM01
Room: 1 - Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Dedicated Algorithms for Pre/Post-Processing Massive SPC Simulations on HPC Clusters
G. Oger, C. Leroy, E. Jacquin, D. Le Touzé and B. Alessandrini

Physics Engine Based Parallelised Discrete Element Model
S.M. Longshaw, M.J. Turner, E. Finch and R. Gawthorpe

Optimization using Particle Methods
J. Marburger

Accelerating Coupled DEM-CFD Simulations
C. Kloss, L. Herran-Ontoso, G. Aichinger and S. Pirker

A Parallel SPH Method for 3D Incompressible Multiphase Flow Problems
A. Roustaei, R. Fatehi, M.A. Fayazbakhsh and M.T. Manzari

Fluid-Structure Interaction II FrM02
Room: 2 - Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Application of the Parallel Model SPH-Flow to Complex Hydro-Elastic Situations
G. Oger, E. Jacquin, J.B. Deuff, L. Brosset, D. Le Touzé and B. Alessandrini

Developments and Applications of PFEM in Harbour Engineering
M.A. Celigueta, E. Oņate, S. Latorre and B. Suárez

Numerical Analysis of Floating Body Motion Elastically Linked to Moving Tanks Partially Filled using MPS Method
M.M. Tsukamoto, L-Y. Cheng and K. Nishimoto

A Finite Point Method for Compressible Flow Fluid-structure Interactions Problems
E. Ortega, E. Oņate and S.R. Idelsohn

13:30 - 15:00
Farewell Cocktail