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  Past BIFD edition (Nottingham, 2009)

Number of visits: 160058

Sunday, July 17th

18:00 - 20:00

Room: Hall

Monday, July 18th

08:00 - 09:30

09:30 - 09:50

09:50 - 10:40
Invited talk 1
Room: Theater
Chair: Francisco Marques
Reduced Order Modeling of some Fluid Flows of Industrial Interest
J.M. Vega

10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break

Room: B1

11:10 - 12:10
Localised states in Fluids MoM01
Room: B2
Chair: Isabel Mercader
Numerical Continuation of Spatially Localized Patterns in Doubly Diffusive Convection
C. Beaume, A. Bergeon, E. Knobloch and D. Lo Jacono

Convectons, Anticonvectons, Multiconvectons and Drifting Convectons in Binary Mixtures
I. Mercader, O. Batiste, A.  Alonso and E. Knobloch

Magnetohydrodynamic Convectons
D. Lo Jacono, A. Bergeon and E. Knobloch

Multiphase Flows MoM02
Room: B3
Chair: Alexander Gelfgat
Motion of an Expanding, Spherical Gas Bubble in a Viscous Liquid under Gravity when the Centre Moves in a Vertical Plane
D. Khattar, B.B. Chakraborty and S. Bansal

Experimental Study on Development Length and Spatial Growth of Instabilities in Heavy Oil-Water Stratified Flow (CANCELLED)
M.S. de Castro and O.M. Rodriguez

Numerical Simulations of the Hébraud-Lequeux Model
J.M. Amigó, A.  Giménez, F. Morillas and J.  Valero

Granular Media MoM03
Room: B4
Chair: to be confirmed
Localized Fluidization in a Granular Medium: Boiling Cavity and Chimney of Fluidization
P. Philippe and M. Badiane

Bifurcations in Vertically Oscillated Granular Layer and the Characteristics of Solid-Fluid Transition
O. Sano

Constitutive Equations for Granular Flows under Uniform Mean Shear and External Torque
K. Yoshida, K. Takechi and T. Arimitsu

12:10 - 13:00
Invited talk 2
Room: Theater
Chair: Alessandro Bottaro
The Onset of Turbulence in Pipe Flow
B. Hof

13:00 - 14:40
Lunch (Edificació Building)

14:40 - 16:20
Instabilities in Films and Drops I MoA01
Room: B2
Chair: Alexander Oron
The Progressive Suppression of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability by Stable Stratification
M.S. Davies Wykes, A.G. Lawrie and S.B. Dalziel

Thin Film Lubrication Dynamics of a Binary Mixture: Example of an Oscillatory Instability
M. Bestehorn and I.D. Borcia

Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for a New Instability in Film Flow along Periodic Corrugations
Z. Cao, M. Vlachogiannis, V. Bontozoglou and A. Oron

Energy-Integral Model for Heated Falling Films
K. Kanatani, A. Oron and A. Nepomnyashchy

Cell Motility Driven by the Actin Flow
M. Ben Amar, O.V. Manyuhina and G. Napoli

Receptivity and Optimal disturbances in Boundary Layers and Shear Flows I MoA02
Room: B3
Chair: Alessandro Bottaro
Non-Linear Optimal Perturbations in a Boundary-Layer Flow
S. Cherubini, P. De Palma, J. C Robinet and A. Bottaro

Global Instabilities of the Flow over a Forward-Facing Step
D. Lanzerstorfer and H.C. Kuhlmann

On the Generic Role of Vorticity Stretching in Three-Dimensional Transient Growth of Plane Parallel Shear Flows
H. Vitoshkin, E. Heifetz and A.Y. Gelfgat

Nonlinear Optimization of a Separated Boundary-Layer Flow
P-Y. Passaggia and U. Ehrenstein

The Optimal Path to Turbulence in Shear Flows
A. Monokrousos, A. Bottaro, L. Brandt, A. Di Vita and D. Henningson

Instabilities in Viscoelastic Flows I MoA03
Room: B4
Chair: Alexander Morozov
Electro-Hydrodynamic Instability in a Microchannel between a Newtonian and a Non-Newtonian Liquid
G. Ersoy and A.K. Uguz

Purely-Elastic Instabilities in Serpentine Channels
A. Lindner, J. Zilz, M.A. Alves and R.J. Poole

Lifetime Studies of Localized Turbulence in Pipe Flow of Dilute Polymer Solutions
D. Samanta, A. De Lozar, C. Wagner and B. Hof

Thermal Convective Instabilities in a Magnetic Viscoelastic Fluid
L. Perez, J. Bragard, D. Laroze, J. Martinez-Mardones and H. Pleiner

Transition to Turbulence in Pipe Flow of Shear-Thinning Fluid: Influence of the Nonlinear Viscous Terms
N. Lopez Carranza, M. Jenny and C. Nouar

16:20 - 16:50
Coffee break

Room: B1

16:50 - 18:10
Instabilities in Films and Drops II MoE01
Room: B2
Chair: Michael Bestehorn
Numerical Investigation of the Onset of Evaporative of Convection for Binary Fluids
K.E. Uguz and R. Narayanan

On the Stability of an Evaporating Liquid Surface
R. Krahl and E. Bänsch

Universal Behaviour of Evaporating Sessile Water Droplets in the Presence of Contact Angle Hysteresis
S. Semenov, V.M. Starov and R.G. Rubio

Dynamics of Surfactant-Laden Drops on Liquid Substrates
G. Karapetsas, R.V. Craster and O.K. Matar

Receptivity and Optimal Disturbances in Boundary Layers and Shear Flows II (extended to 18:30) MoE02
Room: B3
Chair: Alessandro Bottaro
On the Generation of Packets of Hairpins in Shear Flows
J. Cohen

Adjoint Methods for Finding Periodic Orbits
I.C. Waugh and M.P. Juniper

Three Dimensional Instabilities in the Wake of a Confined Circular Cylinder
N. Kanaris, D. Grigoriadis and S. Kassinos

Convective Instability in Inhomogeneous Media: Impulse Response in the Subcritical Cylinder Wake
C. Marais, R. Godoy-Diana, D. Barkley and J.E. Wesfreid

Experimental Study of the Subcritical Transition in Channel Flow
G. Lemoult, J.L. Aider and J.E. Wesfreid

Instabilities in Viscoelastic Flows II MoE03
Room: B4
Chair: Alexander Morozov
Experimental Study of Saffman-Taylor Instability for Shear Thinning Fluids
M. Chinaud, T. Delaunay, S. Cazin, E. Cid and P. Tordjeman

Oscillatory Flow of Maxwell and Oldroyd-B Fluids: Theoretical Analysis and Experiments
L. Casanellas and J. Ortín

Numerical Simulations of Non-Newtonian Fluids in a Periodically Forced Enclosed Cylinder
C. Panadès and F. Marques

Dynamics and Bifurcations in the Weak Electrolyte Model for the Nematic Liquid Crystals Electroconvection: A Ginzburg-Landau Approach
I. Oprea and G. Dangelmayr

20:00 - 23:00
Reception (Montjuïc-Poble Espanyol-Monestir de Sant Miquel)

Tuesday, July 19th

09:00 - 10:40
Instabilities in Geophysical Flows I TuL01
Room: B2
Chair: Eyal Heifetz
Experimental Studies of the Strato-Elliptical and Strato-Rotational Instabilities
M. Le Bars, P. Le Gal, D. Guimbard, S. Le Dizès and S. Leblanc

Dynamics of a Tilted Cylinder Wake in a Stratified Fluid
P. Meunier

Shear Instability in a Stratified Fluid when Shear and Stratification are not Aligned
J. Candelier, S. Le Dizès and C. Millet

An Analytic Approach to Turbulence (Keynote Lecture)
C.V. Tran

Equilibrium State of Quasi-geostrophic Point Vortices of Mixed Sign
S. Funakoshi, T. Sato and T. Miyazaki

Convection and Buoyancy Driven Flows TuL02
Room: B3
Chair: John Lopez
Linear Stability of Double-Diffusive Natural Convection in Under-Ice Melt Ponds
S.C. Hirata, B.  Goyeau and D.  Gobin

Analytical and Numerical Stability Analysis of Soret-Driven Convection in a Horizontal Porous Layer: Effect of Conducting Bounding Plates
B. Ouattara, A. Khouzam, A. Mojtabi and M.C. Charrier-Mojtabi

Studies of Moist Rayleigh-Benard Convection in a Galerkin Model
T. Weidauer, O. Pauluis and J. Schumacher

Bifurcation Analysis of Salt Induced Convection in a Porous Square Cavity
D. Henry, R. Touihri, R. Bouhlila and H. Ben Hadid

Flow Pattern Transitions in Vibration Induced Convection in Low Gravity
V.  Shevtsova, A. Mialdun, D. Melnikov, Yu. Gaponenko and J.C. Legros

Subcritical Instabilities and Coherent Structures in Shear Flows I TuL03
Room: B4
Chair: Dwight Barkley
Bifurcation from/to Turbulence in Wall Bounded Flows: Decay of Turbulent Bands and Growth of Turbulent Spots in Plane Couette Flow
P. Manneville

Control of the Transition to Turbulence in Shear Flows
Y. Nissim, M. Mond and N. Berman

Tracking the Edge of Chaos in a Boundary-Layer Flow
S. Cherubini, P. De Palma, J. C Robinet and A. Bottaro

Modeling the Transition to Turbulence in Pipe Flow
D. Barkley

Mirror Symmetric Travelling Wave Solutions in Sliding Couette Flow and Plane Couette Flow
K. Deguchi and M. Nagata

10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break

Room: B1

11:10 - 12:10
Fluid-Elastic and Interfacial Instabilities I TuM01
Room: B2
Chair: Anne Juel
On the nature of the plate flutter bifurcation
C. Eloy, N. Kofman and L. Schouveiler

Dynamics of Surfactant-Laden Liquids Spreading on Gel Substrates
C.S. Spandagos, P.F. Luckham and O.K. Matar

The Oscillation and Rupture of a Water-Filled Balloon
H.M. Lund and S.B. Dalziel

Thermal Convection TuM02
Room: B3
Chair: John Lopez
Intermittent Convection Regimes in Magnetic Suspensions
A.A. Bozhko and G.F. Putin

Nonlinear Regimes of Monotonic and Oscillatory Marangoni Convection
A.A. Alabuzhev, S. Shklyaev and M. Khenner

Effect of Asymmetric Heating on Convective Systems
D. Merkt

Subcritical Instabilities and Coherent Structures in Shear Flows II TuM03
Room: B4
Chair: Dwight Barkley
Travelling Wave Solution with a Λ-vortex Pattern in Plane Poiseuille Flow
M. Nagata and K. Deguchi

Edge States in Boundary Layer Flows
Y. Duguet, P. Schlatter, B. Eckhardt and D.S. Henningson

Universal Threshold of Bypass Transition in Shear Flows
J. Tao, S. Chen and W. Su

12:10 - 13:00
Invited talk 3
Room: Theater
Chair: Alvaro Meseguer
Turbulence transition in shear flows: what can we learn from pipe flow?
B. Eckhardt

13:00 - 14:40
Lunch (Edificació Building)

14:40 - 16:20
Instabilities in films and Drops III TuA01
Room: B2
Chair: Itzchak Frankel
Viscous Dispersion Effects on Bound-State Formation and Self-Organization on Falling Liquid Films
M. Pradas, D. Tseluiko and S. Kalliadasis

On Interaction between Three-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Waves on Falling Liquid Films
S.V. Alekseenko, V.V. Guzanov, S.M. Kharlamov and D.M. Markovich

The Stability of Gravity Driven Thin Film Flows: Rivulet Formation, Growth and Merger
D. Slade, Y-C. Lee and P.H. Gaskell

Numerical Prediction of the Properties of Solitary Waves in the Drag-Inertia Regime
P-K Nguyen, S. Chakraborty, V. Bontozoglou and C. Ruyer-Quil

Wavy Film Flow Down a Vertical Plate: Comparisons between the Integral Approaches Results and the Full-Scale Computations
Y.Y. Trifonov

Instabilities in Geophysical Flows II TuA02
Room: B3
Chair: Eyal Heifetz
Nonnormal-Nonlinear Feedback between Counter Propagating Rossby Waves in Shear Flows
T. Tamarin and E. Heifetz

On the Existence of Radiating Waves in Vortices
L. Parras and S. Le Dizès

Vortices in a cylindrical domain with localized heating
H. Herrero and M.C. Navarro

Survival and Energy Dissipated by Tropical Cyclones
A.  Corral, A.  Osso and J.E. Llebot

Structural Instability of a Barotropic Flow Leading to the Emergence of a Zonal Jet
N.A. Bakas and P.J. Ioannou

Transition to Turbulence and Control/Reacting and Compressible Flows TuA03
Room: B4
Chair: Fernando Mellibovsky
Effect of Radial Deformation of the Outer Cylinder on the Transition from the Taylor-Couette Flow
A. Lalaoua, H. Oualli, S. Hanchi and A. Bouabdallah

Turbulent Channel Flow in Four Spatial Dimensions
N. Nikitin

Delaying Transition in a Blasius Boundary Layer with Finite Compliant Panels
I. Bori, X. Zhao, K.S. Yeo and H.-S Dou

Analytical Estimates for Stability Boundaries and Nature of the Bifurcation in a Simple Thermoacoustic System
P. Subramanian, A.  Saha, R.I. Sujith and P. Wahi

Nonlinear Self-Excited Oscillations in a Thermoacoustic System
L. Kabiraj, R.I. Sujith and P. Wahi

16:20 - 16:50
Coffee break

Room: B1

16:50 - 18:10
Instabilities in Films and Drops IV TuE01
Room: B2
Chair: Alexander Oron
CoChair: Eugene Benilov
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Nonisothermal Thin Liquid Film on a Horizontal Cylinder Subjected to Axial Vibration
O. Haimovich and A. Oron

Effect of Gravity Force on the Long-wave Marangoni Convection in Two-layer Films
A.A. Nepomnyashchy and I.B. Simanovskii

On the Early Evolution in the Transient Benard - Marangoni Problem
M. Weidenfeld and I. Frankel

Instability of 2-D Flow Structure of Non-Isothermal Liquid Film
O.V. Sharypov

Instabilities in Geophysical Flows III TuE02
Room: B3
Chair: Eyal Heifetz
Inertial Waves inside a Liquid Confined between Two Rotating Coaxial Cylinders: The Case of Small Ekman Number
I.D. Borcia and U. Harlander

Determining (Seasonal) Periodic Orbits in Global Ocean Models using Continuation Methods
U. Erdogan, J. Thies, F. Wubs and H. Dijkstra

Large Scale Instability of Sandy Coastlines under very Oblique Wave Incidence
A. Falqués, N. Van den Berg, F. Ribas and M. Caballeria

A Study on the 3D Inertial Instability Mechanism in the Sub-Mesoscale Ocean
A. Lazar, A. Stegner and E. Heifetz

Instabilities in Technological Applications and Lagrangian Coherent Structures TuE03
Room: B4
Chair: Alexander Gelfgat
Development of Oscillations of the Gas-Liquid Meniscus in a Capillary under the Imposed Temperature Difference
V.S. Nikolayev, F. Bonnet and P. Gully

Free Surface Heat Transfer Effect on Thermocapillary Flow in Liquid Bridges
Yu. Gaponenko, A. Nepomnyashchy and V.  Shevtsova

Fast Identification of Lagrangian Coherent Structures
F. Guniat, L. Pastur, F. Lusseyran, J. Falcou, M. Ammi and Y. Fraigneau

Uncertainty Analysis for Flow of an Incompressible Fluid in a Sudden Expansion in Two-Dimensional Channel
K.A. Cliffe

20:15 - 00:15
Banquet (Hotel Princesa Sofía)

Wednesday, July 20th

09:00 - 10:40
Large-Scale Computational Methods for Fluid Flow Bifurcation Analysis I WeL01
Room: B2
Chair: Alain Bergeon
An Efficient Continuation Algorithm to Compute Steady State Bifurcation Diagrams in Large Size Coupled Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Problems
M. Medale and P. Cerisier

Bifurcation Analysis and Transition to Chaos in a Large Scale Convection Problem
D. Puigjaner, J. Herrero and C. Simó

Numerical Tools for the Stability Analysis of 2D Flows
J.M. Cadou, Y. Guevel and G. Girault

Influence of the Numerical Method Parameters in Time-Stepping Approaches for Global Instability Analysis
F. Gómez, R. Gómez and V. Theofilis

On High Order Finite Difference Methods for Global Instability Analysis
S. Le Clainche, P. Paredes, M. Hermanns and V. Theofilis

Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities I WeL02
Room: B3
Chair: Sergei Molokov
Dynamo Action in a Precessing Cylinder
C. Nore, J. Léorat, J.-L Guermond and F. Luddens

Quasi-Two-Dimensional Convection in a 3D Laterally Heated Box in a Strong Magnetic Field Normal to Main Circulation
A. Gelfgat and S. Molokov

Magnetic Field Effects on Three Dimensional Stability of Natural Convection Flows in Differentially Heated Cavities
D.A. Dimopoulos and N.A. Pelekasis

Instabilities of Conducting Fluids in Cylindrical Cells under External Forcing
J. Burguete and M. Miranda

MHD Duct Flow in the Presence of a Magnetic Dipole
S. Tympel, D. Krasnov, T. Boeck and J. Schumacher

Subcritical Instabilities and Coherent Structures in Shear Flows III WeL03
Room: B4
Chair: Dwight Barkley
Effective Three-Dimensional Transition in Bluff Plate Boundary Layers
M.C. Thompson

Understanding Finite Life-Times of Newtonian Turbulence
A. Morozov

Supercritical Bifurcation Cascade of Travelling Waves in Pipe Flow
F. Mellibovsky and B. Eckhardt

Three-Dimensional Sub-Critical Transition in a Separated Flow
O. Marquet

Onset of Sustained Turbulence in Narrow-Gap Taylor-Couette Flow
L. Shi, M. Avila and B. Hof

10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break

Room: B1

11:10 - 12:10
Fluid-Elastic and Interfacial Instabilities II WeM01
Room: B2
Chair: Anne Juel
Viscous Fingering under Elastic Membranes
A. Juel, D. Pihler-Puzovic and P. Illien

Transport and Deformation of an Elastic Filament in a Cellular Flow
N. Quennouz, A.  Lindner and O. du Roure

Elasto-Capillary Imbibition
E.  Reyssat, T.  Cambau and J. Bico

Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities II WeM02
Room: B3
Chair: Sergei Molokov
Transient Vortex Bursts Behind Magnetic Obstacles
S. Kenjeres

Experimental Detection of MHD Flow Reversals in Sub Channels of a Liquid Metal Test Blanket for ITER
L. Bühler, C. Mistrangelo and S. Horanyi

Experimental Investigation of Transition to Turbulence in a Magnetic Obstacle
F. Samsami, A. Thess and Y. Kolesnikov

Subcritical instabilities and Coherent Structures in Shear Flows IV WeM03
Room: B4
Chair: Dwight Barkley
Towards Uniformly Turbulent Pipe Flow?
M. Avila and B. Hof

Onset of Turbulence in Linearly Stable Shear Flows
K. Avila, D. Moxey, A. De Lozar, M. Avila, D. Barkley and B. Hof

Multifractal Probability Density Function Theory and its Application to Fully Developed Turbulence
T. Arimitsu and N. Arimitsu

12:10 - 13:00
Invited talk 4
Room: Theater
Chair: Alain Bergeon
Amplitudes from eigenvalues
L. Tuckerman

13:00 - 14:40
Lunch (Edificació Building)

14:40 - 16:20
Instabilities in Films and Drops V WeA01
Room: B2
Chair: Uwe Thiele
The Stability of the Liquid Lining in Fluid-Conveying Curved Tubes
A.L. Hazel, M. Heil, J.M. Oliver and S.L. Waters

Bubble Oscillations in a Constricted Tube
M. Pailha, A.L. Hazel and A. Juel

Axisymmetric and Non-Axisymmetric Annular Curtain Stability
Z.U. Ahmed, R.E. Khayat, P. Maissa and C. Mathis

Stability Analysis of Thin Liquid Film in a Micro-Pipette
H.C. Tsai and C.L. Lai

Controlled Pattern Formation at Moving Contact Lines of Surfactant Covered Thin Liquid Films
M.H. Koepf, S.V. Gurevich and R. Friedrich

Shear Flows WeA02
Room: B3
Chair: Marc Avila Canellas
Amplification of Thermal Fluctuations by Planar Couette Flow
J. M Ortiz de Zárate and J. V Sengers

Cavity Flow Stability Analysis with Space Phase-Averaged Velocity Fields
T.M. Faure, C.L. Douay, J. Basley, H. Thach, L.R. Pastur and F. Lusseyran

Secondary Instability of Centrifugal Vortices in a Cavity Shear Flow
C. Douay and T. Faure

Instabilities and Mixing in a Quisi-2D MHD-Driven Kolmogorov Flow
R.O. Grigoriev and R. Mitchell

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in Viscous Two-Layer Oscillatory Flow
H.N. Yoshikawa and J.E. Wesfreid

Rotating Flows WeA03
Room: B4
Chair: Francisco Marques
Effect of the Influence of Slow Rotation to Stability of Thermocapillary Incompressible Liquid Flow in Infinite Layer in Zero–Gravity Situation for Small Prandtle Number
K. Shvarts

Stability and Bifurcation Diagram of Boussinesq Thermal Convection in a Rotating Spherical Shell
K. Kimura, S. Takehiro and M. Yamada

Experimental Observations of Convective and Absolute Instabilities in a Rotating Hagen-Poiseuille Flow
K. Shrestha, L. Parras, C. del Pino and E. Sanmiguel-Rojas

Instabilities and Inertial Waves generated in a Librating Cylinder
J.M. Lopez and F. Marques

Primary Bifurcation of a Thin-Layer Flow Driven by a Rotating Disk in a Fixed Open Cylindrical Cavity: Flat Free Surface
L. Kahouadji, L. Martin Witkowski, N. Peres, S. Poncet, P. Le Quéré and E. Serre

16:20 - 16:50
Coffee break

Room: B1

16:50 - 18:10
Instabilities in Films and Drops VI WeE01
Room: B2
Chair: Alexander Oron
CoChair: Nikos Pelekasis
On the Coalescence of Sessile Drops with Miscible Liquids
R. Borcia and M. Bestehorn

Depinning Drops on Heterogeneous Substrates and Rotating Cylinders
U. Thiele, P. Beltrame and E. Knobloch

Can Quasi-Static Drops Climb Uphill on an Oscillating Substrate?
E.S. Benilov

Influence of Concentration-Dependent Wettability on Sitting and Sliding Droplets of Mixtures and Suspensions
D.V. Todorova and U. Thiele

Instabilities in Biofluid Flows (extended to 18:50) WeE02
Room: B3
Chair: Pinhas Bar-Yoseph
Vortex Breakdown in Bioreactors
M.-Z Ismadi, P. Meunier, A. Fouras and K. Hourigan

Instabilities and Front Propagation in Invasive Tumor Growth
E. Khain and L. Sander

Unsteady Flow in a Curved Tube
A.L. Hazel, R.E. Hewitt, R.J. Clarke and J.P. Denier

An Analysis of Maneuvourability of Insects Flight using Steady and Unsteady Flights
M. Iima, N. Yokoyama, N. Hirai and K. Senda

The Rayleigh-Plateau Instability of Biopolymer Solutions
C. Wagner

Immersed Boundary Methods for Complex Fluid-structure Interaction in Sperm and Ciliary Motility
R. Dillon

Bifurcations and Instabilities in Technological Applications (extended to 18:30) WeE03
Room: B4
Chair: Alexander Gelfgat
The Bistable Flow in a Nuclear Power Plant. A Bifurcation in the Fluid Flow in the Recirculation Loop, Modelling and Simulation
C.J. Gavilán Moreno

Three Dimensional Flow Instabilities in Thermocapillary Flow in Annular Pool
N. Imaishi, M. Ermakov and W.Y. Shi

Stability Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings using Bifurcation and Continuation Methods
A. Amamou and M. Chouchane

Dynamics of Flows with Helical Symmetry
I. Delbende, M. Rossi and B. Piton

Transitional Modes of Penetrative Convection in Plain Layer
D. Kuznetsova and I. Sibgatullin

Thursday, July 21th

09:00 - 10:40
Large-Scale Computational Methods for Fluid Flow Bifurcation Analysis II ThL01
Room: B2
Chair: Alain Bergeon
Validation and Verification of a 3D Instability Analysis Methodology
P. Paredes, S. Le Clainche, M. Hermanns and V. Theofilis

Mixed Fourier Galerkin-Finite Volume Pressure Correction Method to solve the Fluid Dynamic Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates
J. Núñez, E. Ramos and J.M. Lopez

A Robust Hybrid Direct/Iterative Solver for Pseudo-Arclength Continuation of 3D Navier-Stokes Problems
J. Thies, F. Wubs and H. Dijkstra

Vector Stream Function Method for 3D Hydrodynamic Stability Problems
J. Priede

Nonlinear Sloshing of Two Superposed Immiscible Liquids in a Two-Dimensional Rectangular Tank
A. Zerkak, B. Meziani and O. Ourrad

Instabilities in Films and Drops VII ThL02
Room: B3
Chair: Roger Khayat
Mechanisms of Long-Wave Instabilities in Shear-Thinning Films on Porous Substrates
S. Millet, R. Usha, V. Botton and F. Rousset

Liquid Film Flow Over Heated Porous Surfaces
S.J. D‘Alessio, K.A. Ogden and J.P. Pascal

Pre-lens tear film on a contact lens: Model and Dynamics
U. Ranganathan and - Anjalaiah

CFD Simulation of the Primary Break up of a Vertical Laminar and Turbulent Water Jet
A.  Dahia, F. Zidouni Kendil, A.S. Bousbia and T. Rezoug

Parametric Stability and Numerical Simulations of Insonated Contrast Agents
N.A. Pelekasis, K. Tsiglifis and K. Efthimiu

Vortex Dynamics and 3D Vortex Flows ThL03
Room: B4
Chair: John Lopez
Nonlinear Disturbances of the Vortex Octagon
E.G. Bord

Stabilization of Vortices in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder using Harmonic Forcing
G.C. Chamoun, F. Schilder and M. Brøns

Instabilities and Bifurcations in the Wakes
V.A. Gushchin and P.V. Matyushin

Wake Behaviour behind Circular Disks with Different Aspect Ratio
T. Bobiński, S. Goujon-Durand and J.E. Wesfreid

10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break

Room: B1

11:10 - 12:10
Jet and Wake Instabilities I ThM01
Room: B2
Chair: to be confirmed
About the Prospects to enter the Instability
I.V. Lebed and S.Y. Umanskii

Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of the Flow around a Pair of Side-By-Side Circular Cylinders at Low Reynolds Numbers
M. Carini, F.  Auteri and F. Giannetti

Frequency and Amplitude Modulation in the Wake of an Inline Driven Cylinder
J.S. Leontini, D. Lo Jacono and M.C. Thompson

Asymmetric heating ThM02
Room: B3
Chair: Oriol Batiste
Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Lid-driven Enclosure Filled with Nanofluids
M. Muthtamilselvan

Destabilization of Free Convection by Weak Rotation
A. Gelfgat

Subcritical Convection in Square Box with Internal Heat Generation
V.V. Kolmychkov, O.S. Mazhorova and O.V. Shcheritsa

Vortex Dynamics and 3D Vortex Flows/Boundary Layer Instabilities ThM03
Room: B4
Chair: Francisco Marques
Instability Analysis of a Turbulent Vortex Flow
S.I. Shtork, D.A. Dekterev, I.V. Litvinov, E.C. Fernandes and S.V. Alekseenko

Experiments on Secondary Instability of Supersonic Boundary Layer on Swept Wing
N.V. Semionov, A.D. Kosinov, Y.G. Yermolaev and R.I. Kazantsev

Semi-Asymptotic Methodology for Vortex-Wave Interaction Applied to Computing Equilibria in Parallel Shear Flow
H.M. Blackburn, P. Hall and S.J. Sherwin

12:10 - 13:00
Jet and Wake Instabilities II ThA01
Room: B2
Chair: Hugh Blackburn
Bifurcation and Stability Analysis of a Jet in Crossflow
M. Ilak, P. Schlatter, S. Bagheri and D.S. Henningson

Power-Law Decay of the Energy Spectrum in Linearized Perturbed Systems
S. Scarsoglio, F. De Santi and D. Tordella

Symmetry-Breaking in the Wake of a Rolling Sphere
A. Rao, M.C. Thompson, T. Leweke and K. Hourigan

Lateral Heating ThA02
Room: B3
Chair: Oriol Batiste
Stability of 2D Natural Convection Flows in Differentially Heated Cavities: 2D/3D Disturbances
S. Xin and P. Le Quéré

Convection between Two Differentially Heated Vertical Plates with Stratification
B. Podvin and P. Le Quéré

Degenerate Bifurcations in Binary-Mixture Convection
E. Meca, I. Mercader and L. Ramírez-Piscina

Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities III (extended to 13:20) ThA03
Room: B4
Chair: Sergei Molokov
On Bifurcations of Convection Driven Dynamos in a Rotating Spherical Shell
F. Feudel and N. Seehafer

Transients in Thermomagnetic Convection of Paramagnetic Fluid in Cubical Enclosure Subjected to Strong Magnetic Fields
S. Kenjeres, W. Wrobel, L. Pyrda , E. Fornalik-Wajs and J.S. Szmyd

Сonvection in Vertical Layer of Magnetic Fluid
S.A. Suslov, A.A. Bozhko, A.S. Sidorov and G.F. Putin

MHD Instabilities of Liquid-metal Flow Entering Strong Magnetic Fields
X. Albets-Chico, N. Kanaris and S. Kassinos

13:00 - 14:40
Lunch and closing

Room: Hall