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      How to arrive
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Number of visits: 171943

How to arrive

Find yor way to Campus Johanneberg

Arrival by air
Bus from Landvetter Airport to Korsvägen, where you can catch
  • tram 6, direction Länsmansgården
  • tram 8, direction Frölunda Torg or
  • tram 13, direction Marklandsgatan
The trams stop at Chalmers. Total time 40 minutes. More information about Landvetter Airport, for example where to find a taxi and rent a car.

Arrival by train
At Drottningtorget, outside the station building, you will find the following tram for Chalmers
  • Tram 7, direction Tynnered
The tram stop at Chalmers. If you want to know time of departure for buses and trams look at Västtrafik

Arrival by car
Follow the signs marked with a red cross and Sahlgrenska sjukhuset. For more information look at map. You will also find a map in pdf-format for printing.

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