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Number of visits: 90698

Conference Venue

From Paris, by RER (the Regional Express): line B

• Take RER line B (direction ST RÉMY-LES-CHEVREUSE), get off at Antony,
    o take bus 395 in the direction of "Clamart - G. Pompidou" and get off at the stop "Grande Voie des Vignes - École Centrale".
    o walk 20 minutes (see the red itinerary in the map below)

• Take RER line B (direction ST RÉMY-LES-CHEVREUSE), get off at Croix de Berny
    o walk 20 minutes (see the blue itinerary in the map below)

• Take RER line B (direction ROBINSON), get off at Robinson
    o take bus 395 in the direction of "Antony RER" and get off at the stop "Grande Voie des Vignes - École Centrale".

See also the École Centrale Paris website for more practical information and access maps http://http://www.ecp.fr/op/edit/lang/en/home/access_plan

The RATP Group is the public transport company operating all modes of collective mobility – bus, metro, trains and trams in Île-de-France (Paris), see also its website for practical information http://www.ratp.fr/en/ratp/c_21879/tourists

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
admos@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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