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  Important Dates
  Location and Social Programme
      Welcome to Barcelona
      Conference Venue
      Social Programme
      Moving Around
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Social Programme

The Welcome Reception will take place on the evening of Wednesday September 2nd., at the Museum of the Futbol Club Barcelona, Avda. Arístides Maillol, s/n (08028 Barcelona)

The Conference Banquet Dinner on Thursday September 3rd., will take place at the Llotja de Mar Palace , Passeig d'Isabel II, 1 (08003, Barcelona).
The Casa Llotja de Mar was built in the 18th. Century on top of the old medieval building, one of the best examples of two-storey civil Gothic architecture in the Mediterranean. It has the most interesting collection of  Neoclassic Sculpture in Spain. Its most outstanding work is the Dying Lucretia, by Damià Campeny.
Historically it has been the seat of the most emblematic institutions of Catalan commerce. Today is the corporate headquarters of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Barcelona.

The fee of the Social Programme for Accompanying Persons, including the Welcome Reception and the Banquet Dinner, is 130 Euro. Students have got a preference banquet fee of 80 Euro.

Students and accompanying people interested in joining the social activities have to place the order through the conference web site no later than July 22 (table seats are limited, tickets are required).

After closing the Technical Programme, on Friday September 4th., a Fairwell Lunch will be offered to all the participants.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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