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Number of visits: 190859

17/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
High Fidelity Optimization for Computational Fluid Mechanics
Invited Session organized by Olivier Pironneau and Jacques Periaux
Room: R4
Chair: Olivier Pironneau
CoChair: Jacques Periaux

Goal-oriented error control for dynamical and evolutionary systems: assessing time-line dependent quantities of interest
P. Diez*, F. Verdugo and N. Parés

Multi-objective di erentiable optimization with application to optimum-shape design in CFD
J-A. Desideri*

Greening the aircraft with aerofoil/wing design optimisation using morphing techniques and advanced multi objective genetic algorithms
D.S.C. Lee and J. Periaux*

Optimization and domain decomposition in the context of freefem++ for the partial differential equations of fluid mechanics
F. Hecht*

A node-based parameterization for shape optimization in computational fluid mechanics
M. Hojjat*, E. Stavropoulou and K-U. Bletzinger

Shape optimization with shocks and goal oriented mesh adaptation
O. Pironneau* and F. Alauzet

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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