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Number of visits: 190835

17/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Multiphysics Problems I
Room: R2
Chair: Kathryn Butler

Keynote Lecturer: Fermín Navarrina
Large-scale coupled simulation of hydrodynamics and transport of salinity in shallow waters

F. Navarrina*, I. Colominas, M. Casteleiro, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, H. Gómez, J. Fe and A. Soage

A coupled problem of heat and mass transfer applied to porous textile media surrounding the human foot
J. Durany*, L. Poceiro and F. Varas

High performance conjugate heat transfer with the openPALM coupler
F. Duchaine*, S. Jauré, D. Poitou, E. Quémerais, G. Staffelbach, T. Morel and L. Gicquel

Numerical analysis of coupled chemical and mechanical processes in concrete structures with respect of change in material parameters due to load history
F. Cramer*, U. Kowalsky and D. Dinkler

A large deformation and thermomechanically coupled interface approach
M. Kaliske*, R. Fleischhauer, R. Behnke and I. Zreid

Influence of the ionic strength on the deposit phenomenon and transport dynamic of microparticles through saturated porous medium
Z. Mesticou*, M. Kacem and Ph. Dubujet

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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