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Number of visits: 190844

17/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Numerical Methods in Coupled Problems I
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Norberto Nigro

Keynote Lecturer: Carmen Andrade
Reinforcement corrosion propagation models

C. Andrade*

Acceleration of time-dependent solvers combining POD and residual estimates
M.L. Rapún*, F. Terragni and J.M. Vega

The coupling of plasticity and damage in dissipative materials
S. Beizaee, G. Xotta* and K. Willam

Semi-analytical approach for ratcheting strain and wear prediction in case of line rolling contact
M. Sofer* and R. Halama

Science & engineering software migration: Moving from desktop to mobile applications
F. Améndola and L. Favre*

Model identification and on-line optimal control of food processes
E. Balsa-Canto*, A.A. Alonso, L.T. Antelo, A. Arias-Méndez, E. López-Quiroga, D. Rivas and C. Vilas

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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