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Number of visits: 190879

17/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media II
Invited Session organized by Lorenzo Sanavia and Claudio Tamagnini
Room: R8
Chair: Lorenzo Sanavia
CoChair: Claudio Tamagnini

Keynote Lecturer: Wolfgang Ehlers
Delivery of therapeutic agents in tumour therapies of multi-component human brain tissue

W. Ehlers* and A. Wagner

On modeling and simulation of fluid interaction with thin porous media
V. Calo, M. Dedering, D. Iliev, O. Iliev*, R. Kirsch and A. Mikelic

A numerical strategy for multicomponent reactive transport with gas generation
F. Cattaneo and C. Jommi*

Anisotropic diffusion and propagation of sound waves in poroelastic media
B. Albers* and K. Wilmanski

A coupled numerical study of landslide generated tsunami waves
P.A. Trapper*, A.M. Puzrin, L.N. Germanovich and D. Piskas

A model for the thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of multiphase porous media in dynamics
M. Passarotto and L. Sanavia*

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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