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Number of visits: 190873

19/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Flows with Moving Boundaries and Interfaces II
Invited Session organized by Yuri Bazilevs, Kenji Takizawa and Tayfun Tezduyar
Room: R3
Chair: Kenji Takizawa

Keynote Lecturer: Masahisa Tabata
An energy-stable Galerkin-characteristics interface-tracking scheme for two-fluid flow problems

M. Tabata*

Edge-based residual based eddy viscosity model for the large eddy simulation of turbulent flows with moving boundaries
E.F. Lins, R.N. Elias, F.A. Rochinha and A. Coutinho*

An interface-tracking method based on a conservative phase-field model for computational two-phase fluid dynamics simulations
N. Takada*, J. Matsumoto and S. Matsumoto

Stabilized formulations for the computation of turbulence in internal flows
A. Corsini*, F. Rispoli and T. Tezduyar

Keynote Lecturer: David Gartling
Thermal/fluid analysis of decomposing ablators

D. Gartling*, R.  Hogan, B. Blackwell, M. Howard and D. Kuntz

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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