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Number of visits: 190877

17/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Coupled Problems in Thermo-Mechanics II
Room: R7
Chair: Paul Steinmann

Keynote Lecturer: Josef Eberhardsteiner
Thermo-mechanical behavior of concrete and its performance of tunnel linings under fire loading

T. Ring, M. Zeiml, R. Lackner, H.A. Mang and J. Eberhardsteiner*

Thermomechanical finite element analysis of the selective beam melting process
D. Riedlbauer*, J. Mergheim and P. Steinmann

Advanced numerical strategies for coupled thermo-chemico-mechanical modeling of thermoplastic resin transfer molding process
E. Abisset-Chavanne*, F. Chinesta and A. Leygue

Modeling damage of concrete caused by corrosion of reinforcement
J. Ozbolt, F. Orsanic* and G. Balabanic

Thermochemical heat storage for sustainable power generation – model development based on the theory of porous media and numerical implementation
T. Nagel*, H. Shao, A.K. Singh, N. Watanabe, M. Linder, A. Wörner and O. Kolditz

Mechano-chemical coupled modelling of Zr oxidation: Application to the internal corrosion of PWR nuclear fuel clad
J.B. Minne*, N. Barnel, V. Optasanu, L. Desgranges and T. Montesin

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
coupledproblems@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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