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Number of visits: 190853

17/6/13    16:30 - 18:00
Coupled Problems in Fluid-Structure Interaction II
Room: R6
Chair: Paulo Lyra

Mesoscale simulation of dynamic strength effects in water saturated sandstone
N. Durr, M. Büttner* and M. Sauer

A coupled mode – hpFEM for hydroelastic analysis of shear-deformable floating bodies of general thickness in variable bathymetry
K.A. Belibassakis, G.A. Athanassoulis, T.K. Papathanasiou* and S. Filopoulos

Effects of slip condition on flow near the surface of hydro-gel
M. Yokoyama*, Y. Kubota, K. Kikuchi, O. Mochizuki and G. Yagawa

An interpolation tool for aeroelastic data transfer problems
M. Cordero-Gracia*, M. Gómez and E. Valero

Multidisciplinary and multiphysics computation of supersonic flow, via hybrid solutions for compressible navier-stokes layer
A. Nastase*

A numerical approach for static and dynamic analysis of deformable journal bearings
D. Benasciutti, M.Gh. Munteanu* and F. Flumian

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
coupledproblems@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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