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Number of visits: 190868

17/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Multiphysics Problems II
Room: R2
Chair: Fermín Navarrina

Keynote Lecturer: Kathryn Butler
Simulation of melting and dripping in fire

K.M. Butler*

MHD turbulent duct flows in a liquid-metal MHD power generator
H. Kobayashi* and Y. Okuno

4D-XFEM for free surface flow within fluid-structure interactions
S. Reinstädler* and D. Dinkler

Analytical solutions of nonstationary adiabatic processes for compression (extension) of viscoplastic spherical and cylindrical shells, spherical and cylindrical layers from viscous liquid
A. Kiselev*

Fundamental solutions for a coupled formulation of porous biphasic media with compressible solid and fluid phases
R. Serpieri*, F. Travascio and S. Asfour

A coupled thermo-flexible multi-body approach for virtual rig testing of brake discs
N. Strömberg*

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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