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Number of visits: 190826

19/6/13    08:20 - 10:00
Coupled Problems in Geomechanics I
Room: R4
Chair: Scott Sloan

Keynote Lecturer: Umberto Perego
A PFEM approach to the simulation of landslide generated water-waves

M. Cremonesi, C. di Prisco and U. Perego*

On numerical modeling of couple heat, air and moisture transfer through multilayered walls
M. Maliki*, N. Laredj, H. Naji, K. Bendani, H. Missoum and K. Menad

Advances on mesh generation in numerical simulation of fractured network system
S. Sun, J. Sui and M. Yuan*

Finite element modeling of thermo-hydro-mechanically (THM) coupled problems in frozen ground engineering: State-of-the-Art
Y.W. Bekele*

Fully coupled THM analysis of unsaturated soil
H. Shin* and S-R. Lee

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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