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Number of visits: 190872

19/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
High Performance Computing
Room: R9
Chair: Tarek Zohdi

Keynote Lecturer: Norberto Nigro
Recent advances in the Particle Finite Element Method. Towards more complex fluid flow applications

N.M. Nigro*, P. Novara, J.M. Gimenez, M.B. Bergallo, N.A. Calvo, P. Morin and S.R. Idelsohn

Scalability of substructuring domain decomposition algorithms for parallel fluid-structure interaction simulations
S.  Badia* and A.F.  Martín

On the difficulties of real-time co-simulation
G. Stettinger*, M. Benedikt, N. Thek and J. Zehetner

A parallel fluid-particles solver
C. Samaniego*, G. Houzeaux and M. Vázquez

Novel kinetic consistent 3D MHD algorithm for high performance parallel computing systems
B. Chetverushkin*, N. D‘Ascenzo and V. Saveliev

Sloshing analysis in rectangular buffer tanks: Parallel computation and experimental validation
M.A. Cruchaga*, M.A. Storti, R.S. Reinoso and N. Márquez

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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