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Number of visits: 190875

19/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Multiscale Problems II
Room: R5
Chair: Jose M. Goicolea

Keynote Lecturer: Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla
High resolution coupled meteo-oceanographic simulations

A. Sanchez-Arcilla*, M. Grifoll, E. Pallarés and M. Espino

Time-dependent damage evolution of short-fibers composites with limited rupture-stress function
L. Nazarenko*

A 2D numerical tool for modeling grain structure of a multi-crystalline silicon ingot during solidification process
Y. Du Terrail Couvat*, A.  Nadri and T.  Duffar

Multiscale analysis of piezoelectric material by using EBSD-measured realistic model
H. Kuramae*, H. Sakamoto and Y. Uetsuji

A multiscale computational framework for nonlocal discrete element models: reduction of spurious effects at interfaces
C. Rey*, J. Marchais and L. Chamoin

A variational description of equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermomechanics of alloys: applications to quasicontinuum modeling
I. Romero*, B. González-Ferreiro and M. Ortiz

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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