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Number of visits: 190852

19/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Multiphysics Problems III
Room: R2
Chair: José Luis Perez-Aparicio

New coupled thermoelectric link finite element for FGM materials
J. Paulech*, J. Murín, V.  Kutiš and J. Hrabovský

Direct numerical simulation of 3D particulate flows via a FEM-DEM coupling approach and the fictitious domain method
B. Avci* and P. Wriggers

Stochastic optimization of the water flooding process through front tracking
G. Saad*, M. Harajli and F. Azizi

Stability of the waved interface in metal-to-oxide anisotropic transformation
V. Optasanu* and T. Montesin

Coupled quantum-classical transport in Silicon nanowires
O. Muscato* and V. Di Stefano

A Multiscale method to analyze the deterioration due to Alkali Silica Reaction considering the effects of temperature and relative humidity
T. Wu*, I. Temizer and P. Wriggers

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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