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Number of visits: 190830

19/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Numerical Methods in Coupled Problems IV
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Robert B. Haber

Development of the micro scale Monte Carlo model for static recrystallization on the basis of digital material representation
M. Sitko and L. Madej*

A cohesive zone model coupled with in-plane stretch of an interface
A. Esmaeili*, A. Javili and P. Steinmann

Computational optimisation strategies of tailored fiber placement in polymer matrix composites based on local shear stress minimisation
T. Rettenwander*, M. Fischlschweiger and G. Steinbichler

Adaptive solution of a coupled elastohydrodynamic problem arising in magnetic reading devices
I. Arregui*, J.J. Cendán and C. Vázquez

Development of a maximum entropy approach for the thermomecanical modelling of the rotary friction welding process
M. Foca*, G. Racineux and L. Stainier

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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