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Number of visits: 190847

19/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Coupled Solution Strategies II
Room: R8
Chair: Alvaro Coutinho

Implementation of a Weak Coupling Approach between a CFD and an FE Software for Fires in Compartment
N. Tondini* and J-M. Franssen

A Runge Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin approach to solve reactive flows on non-conforming space-time hybrid grids: A first step towards multi-model coupling.
G. Billet, J. Ryan and M. Borrel*

Research on electromechanical field coupling model and solution strategy of large reflector antennas
M. Wang* and W. Wang

Rosenbrock time integration for unsteady flow simulations
D.S. Blom*, H. Bijl, P. Birken, A. Meister and A.H. van Zuijlen

Coupling CFD and CAA through space-time domain decomposition
J. Ryan*, L. Halpern and M. Borrel

Strategies for a controlled servo-hydro-mechanical excavator arm simulator
M. Gubitosa* and D. Dopico

Simultaneous flow of water and air across the land surface during runoff
J-O. Delfs*, A.K. Singh, T. Kalbacher, W. Wang and O. Kolditz

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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