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Number of visits: 190822

19/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Multiscale Problems III
Room: R5
Chair: Erwin Stein

Keynote Lecturer: Jose M. Goicolea
Nonlinear models for lateral dynamics of railway vehicles on bridges subject to wind action

J.M. Goicolea*, P. Antolín and J. Oliva

3D DEM – FEM coupling to analyse the tractive performance of different tire treads in soil
M. Michael* and B. Peters

A multiscale damage model for composite materials using a FFT-based method
J. Spahn*, H. Andrä, M.  Kabel and R. Müller

Coupled thermoelastic simulation of nanovoid cavitation by dislocation emission at finite temperature
M. Ponga, M. Ortiz and M.P. Ariza*

Discrete-continuum coupling method for simulation of laser-induced damage in fused silica
M. Jebahi*, F. Dau, J. L. Charles and I. Iordanoff

Modeling and homogenization of magnetoactive composite materials using the extended finite element method
C. Spieler*, M. Kästner, P. Metsch, J. Brummund and V. Ulbricht

Spatial and temporal instability of slightly curved particle-laden shallow mixing layers
I. Eglite and A.A. Kolyshkin*

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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