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Number of visits: 190858

19/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Multiphysics Problems IV
Room: R2
Chair: Robert L. Taylor

Keynote Lecturer: José Luis Pérez-Aparicio
Elastothermoelectric finite element analysis and optimization of pulsed thermoelectric

J.L. Pérez-Aparicio*, R. Palma and J. Gómez-Hernández

Coupled problems in analysis of quantum dots with multiband models
S. Prabhakar and R. Melnik*

Coupled swelling and large strain model for hydrogels: Application to the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc
V. Brulliard*, S. Le Corre and E. Verron

Inverse-motion-based form finding for electro-active polymers
R. Denzer*, A. Ask, A. Menzel and M. Ristinmaa

Numerical simulation for evaporation of chemical agent droplet
H. Hayakawa, M. Yamamoto, M. Kawai and K. Sakamoto

Numerical simulation of diffusion induced crack formation in solids
S. Hirobe* and K. Oguni

A model reduction approach for partitioned treatment of uncertainty in coupled problems
A. Doostan, M.  Hadigol, H. Matthies* and R.  Niekamp

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
coupledproblems@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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