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Number of visits: 190847

17/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Improving Computational Complexity: Model Reduction and Advanced Approximation Techniques II
Invited Session organized by Domenico Borzacchielo, David Ryckelynck, Elias Cueto Prendes and Antonio Huerta
Room: R9
Chair: Domenico Borzacchielo

Keynote Lecturer: Marek Behr
High-fidelity surface definition in the simulation and design of extrusion dies

M. Behr*, S. Elgeti, P. Knechtges, M. Nicolai, L. Pauli, H. Sauerland, R. Siegbert and A. Stavrev

Efficient non-intrusive coupling technique, with application to the analysis of the delamination of thin composite structures
P. Gosselet*, O. Allix and G. Guguin

A stabilized XFEM-based fictitious domain approach for fluid-structure interaction
B. Schott* and W.A. Wall

Finite-element/boundary-element coupling for inflatables
T. van Opstal* and E.H. van Brummelen

A fast method for solving microstructure problems with arbitrary contrasts defined on large grids of voxels without Fourier transform
J. Yvonnet*, T.T. Nguyen, V.  Monchiet and Q-Z. Zhu

Model order reduction in mechanical homogenization using the nonuniform transformation field analysis
F. Fritzen*

Sensitivity estimator based on hyper-reduction in order to design a viscoplastic bending system
S. Jules, D.  Ryckelynck*, Y. Bienvenu, C. Duhamel, R. Léon and J-F. Bisson

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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