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Number of visits: 190832

17/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Fluid-Structure Interaction I
Invited Session organized by Tayfun Tezduyar, Kenji Takizawa and Yuri Bazilevs
Room: R3
Chair: Kenji Takizawa

Keynote Lecturer: Shinobu Yoshimura
Fluid-structure interaction analysis of flapping wing using partitioned coupling technique

S. Yoshimura*, S. Kataoka, I. Inuzuka and T. Yamada

Combining Nitsche’s method and space-time elements for weak boundary condition enforcement in moving geometries
M. Mehl*, H-J. Bungartz and B. Uekermann

A parallel, black-box coupling algorithm for fluid-structure interaction
B. Uekermann*, H-J. Bungartz, B. Gatzhammer and M. Mehl

Fluid-structure interaction with contact simulation for maritime applications
S. Brändli* and A. Düster

Isogeometric analysis of fluid-structure interaction for turbulent flow around an osillating NACA0012 airfoil
R. Holdahl*, A.M. Kvarving and K.M. Okstad

Keynote Lecturer: Harald van Brummelen
Coupled boundary-element/finite-element methods for XL-displacement FSI

E.H. van Brummelen* and T. van Opstal

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
coupledproblems@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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