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Number of visits: 190872

18/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Numerical Methods in Coupled Problems III
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Antonio J. Gil

Keynote Lecturer: Robert B. Haber
Coupling interfacial and bulk response using Riemann solutions in an adaptive spacetime model for elastodynamic contact

R. Abedi and R.B. Haber*

Mixed FEM of higher-order for thermomechanical contact problems
A. Rademacher*

Evaluation of automotive weatherstrip by coupled analysis of fluid-structure-noise interaction
H.Y. Kim*, H.J. Kim and T.H. Kim

Advanced coupled simulation methods for heat transfer and stiffness phenomena induced by fluid flow in metal foams
A. Kneer*, K. Reimann, A. August and B. Nestler

On the discrete geometric conservation law for Rosenbrock time integration schemes on moving meshes
A.H. van Zuijlen*, E.W. Naarding and H. Bijl

Development of high performance fluid structure interaction code: ZZ-EFSI on K computer
R. Himeno, S. Noda*, K. Sugiyama, S. Takagi and Y. Matsumoto

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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