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Number of visits: 190865

19/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Coupled Problems in Cardiovascular Flows
Invited Session organized by George Karniadakis and Fotis Sotiropoulos
Room: R9
Chair: Anvar Gilmanov

Keynote Lecturer: Yue Yu
Generalized fictitious methods for fluid-structure interactions: Analysis and simulations

Y. Yu*, H. Baek and G.E. Karniadakis

Keynote Lecturer: Henryk Stolarski
A finite-element method for thin shells and curved beams with application to transcatheter prosthetic heart valve

A. Gilmanov, H. Stolarski* and F. Sotiropoulos

Keynote Lecturer: Cyrus Aidun
The physics of platelet margination and consequences in cardiovascular flows

C.K. Aidun*, M. Mehrabadi, D.A. Reasor and D.N. Ku

Fluid-structure interaction simulation of cardiovascular tissues: a coupling between a non-linear finite element model of thin shells with the curvilinear immersed boundary method
T.B. Le, A. Gilmanov*, H. Stolarski and F. Sotiropoulos

A stable and clinically relevant approach for coupled multi-field and multidimensional simulations in cardiovascular and respiratory biomechanics
W.A. Wall*, M. Ismail, V. Gravemeier, M.W. Gee and L. Yoshihara

Fluid-wall transport modelling in a rat aortic bifurcation and associations with the initiation of atherosclerosis
A. Comerford*, Y. Chooi, P.D. Weinberg and S.J. Sherwin

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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