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Number of visits: 190834

18/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Flows with Moving Boundaries and Interfaces I
Invited Session organized by Yuri Bazilevs, Kenji Takizawa and Tayfun Tezduyar
Room: R3
Chair: Yuri Bazilevs

Keynote Lecturer: Ahmed Sameh
Parallel hybrid sparse linear system solvers

A. Sameh*

Application of immersed-boundary method for natural and forced convection flows with moving embedded object
C-C. Liao and C-A. Lin*

THINC method: An accurate and efficient algebraic approach for capturing free interfaces
F. Xiao*, S. Ii and B. Xie

Applications of an incompressible fluid-rigid body interaction on progressive moving-grid finite-volume method
S. Asao* and K. Matsuno

Space-time computational techniques for flapping-wing aerodynamics of a locust
K. Takizawa, B. Henicke, N. Kostov, A. Puntel and T. Tezduyar*

Keynote Lecturer: Yoichiro Matsumoto
Toward multi-scale simulation of thrombosis formation

Y. Matsumoto*, S. Ii, S. Shiozaki, K. Sugiyama and S. Takagi

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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