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Number of visits: 190867

18/6/13    08:20 - 10:00
Fluid-Structure Interaction II
Invited Session organized by Tayfun Tezduyar, Kenji Takizawa and Yuri Bazilevs
Room: R3
Chair: Yuri Bazilevs

Keynote Lecturer: Roger Ohayon
Modal analysis of fluid-structure interaction problems. Computational and reduced order models

R. Ohayon* and J-S. Schotte

Interface-Jacobian based co-simulation
S. Sicklinger, V. Belsky, R. Wüchner and K-U. Bletzinger*

Partitioned multifield simulation for analysis and design of free-form, light-weight structures subject to wind
R. Wüchner*, S. Sicklinger, T. Wang and K-U. Bletzinger

Adaptive methods for isogeometric analysis of fluid-structure interaction
T. Kvamsdal*, K.A. Johannessen, R. Holdahl, M. Kumar, A.M. Kvarving, K. Nordanger and K.M. Okstad

Keynote Lecturer: Yuri Bazilevs
Fluid-structure interaction simulations with novel structural mechanics discretizations

Y. Bazilevs*, A. Korobenko, X. Deng, J. Tippmann and M-C. Hsu

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
coupledproblems@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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