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Number of visits: 190878

17/6/13    14:00 - 16:00
Improving Computational Complexity: Model Reduction and Advanced Approximation Techniques I
Invited Session organized by Domenico Borzacchielo, David Ryckelynck, Elias Cueto Prendes and Antonio Huerta
Room: R9
Chair: Antonio Huerta

Keynote Lecturer: Simona Perotto
Adaptive hierarchical model reduction coupled with mesh adaptation

S. Perotto*, A. Ern and A. Veneziani

Keynote Lecturer: Erwin Stein
Damage development and crack initiation on microscale of ceramic alloys

E. Stein* and T. Gerasimov

A domain decomposition strategy for reduced order models. Application to the incompressible navier-stokes equations
J. Baiges*, R. Codina and S.R. Idelsohn

Coupling asymptotic numerical method and proper generalized decomposition to solve nonlinear transient coupled problems
M. Beringhier*, A. Leygue, F. Chinesta and J-C. Grandidier

Model order reduction in nonlinear solids: towards a real-time simulation
S. Niroomandi, D. González*, I. Alfaro, E. Cueto and F. Chinesta

PGD methods for the real time direct integration of solid dynamics equations
D. González, E. Cueto* and F. Chinesta

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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