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Number of visits: 190883

19/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Interaction with Time Resolved Turbulent Flow Fields
Invited Session organized by Dörte Carla Sternel
Room: R3
Chair: Dörte Carla Sternel

Keynote Lecturer: Dörte Carla Sternel
Simulation of interaction with time resolved turbulent flow field

D.C. Sternel*

New challenging turbulent FSI benchmarks - Measurements and simulations
M. Breuer*, A. Kalmbach and G. De Nayer

On the performance of detached-eddy simulation in fluid-structure interaction problems
S. Türk*, T. Reimann, D.C. Sternel and M. Schäfer

Identification of aeroacoustic sources of turbulent flow over a forward-facing step based on direct numerical simulation
C. Scheit* and S. Becker

Efficient algorithms for fluid-structure interaction simulations with uncertainty quantification
H. Bijl*, R.P.  Dwight, T. Gillebaart, T.  Scholcz and A.H. van Zuijlen

Turbulent flow simulation of multi-species with complex spacer geometry in electrodialysis for sea water desalination
K. Masilamani, J. Zudrop, K. Ibrahim, H. Klimach, E.M.  Fernandez Sanchis and S. Roller*

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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